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"I saw you with Amanda at that event. Congratulations," Adam stuck out his tongue at me.

"Thanks man but I came to talk to you about something else," I sighed.

"Spill. I am your best friend after all," he nodded.

"I'm not into Amanda like that. It's a stunt," I started.

"Oh did the agency pair you up together?" he asked.

"No," I shook my head.

I don't blame him for thinking that though, people in the industry pair up two celebrities & use them for stunts to rake in more success.

"I set it up this time," I told him.

"Oh. But why?" he asked as he took a sip from his water bottle.

"I'm trying to get a girl," my voice trailed off.

"You? Get a girl? But I thought you were Aidan Alexander: Expert Casanova?" he asked.

"It's all an act! Gosh, Adam, it's like you don't know me anymore!" I yelled at him.

"When you were younger, you died your hair white in attempt to fit in," he gave me the bitch please look.

"Fans know that," I made a mocking laugh.

"When you were five you got your tongue stuck to the ice in a fridge," he gave me the same look.

"Okay you got me," I rolled my eyes.

"I thought you just changed. & I accepted that you were a totally dickwad now," he shrugged.

"I'm a dickwad? Rejects a girl in front of her family," I mentioned. He punched me in the arm & I punched him back.

"Stop. I have to tell you something Adam," I was irritated now.

"Okay," he murmured.

"I'm trying to get Melany Kesting," I finally said.

"Never Leave girl? Alliance Records? One hundred thousand copies in a day? Super hot chick right?" he asked, overelaborating.

"Yes," I gritted through my teeth.

"Well she seems like a high standard type of bitch. How would you have a chance?" he asked.

"She's not a bitch. She's kind, funny, beautiful," I drifted off.

"Damn you got it bad Aidan," he said.

"I know," I groaned.

"Well how do you know her?" he asked. I stood up to get myself a bottle of water.

"You know that program where you get assigned to a newbie in the business?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well she was my prodigy & we had to spent some time together. I acted like a jerk to her. A complete one & she would take it. At first. Then after a while, she became a feisty little bitch & that made me crazy. It was so hot," I gushed.

"Oh so I can't call her a bitch but you can?" he asked defensively.

"Mine was an example Adam," I rolled my eyes.

"So was mine Aidan," he copied my gesture.

"Anyway, we started hanging out & things started getting deeper. I mean I kissed her one time. She had a boyfriend, well not a boyfriend but rather a fuckboy. But yeah. He kissed her best friend & she came running to my apartment crying. We sat down, opened up, got a little tipsy & had sex," I explained. Adam's jaw was wide open.

"Wait a go Aidan!" he cheered.

"No, that's not all. Then her boyfriend found out & came & beat me up," I pointed to my eye, which was practically healed by now.

"Oh that's what that is. I honestly thought you walked into a door again," he laughed. I looked at him unamused.

"That's what that whole restaurant scandal was all about a month & a half ago. I didn't talk to her for the whole time. But I missed her. I still miss her & I want her. This time I know what I want," I said.

"Wow Aidan this is something not like you. Dude you know what you gotta do," he explained. I looked at him for an answer.

"You have to tell her how you feel. Don't just do it slap bang. Make it special okay," he said. I stayed silent for a while. Adam had a point. I needed to make it special & I finally knew how.

"Thanks man," I gave him a high five & grabbed my car keys.

"Where are you going?" Adam asked.

"Getting ready. & you need to get out," I smiled.

"There's the Aidan I know & hate," he laughed & left. 

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