Part 9: Battle of the Brothers

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  "(y/n)'s POV"

I saw Michael commanding two White Fang soldiers going into a hideout of some sort and he just stayed outside... I tried to approach him quietly...

(Michael): What took you so long (y/n)?

(y/n): It's only been one day and you already miss me?

(Michael): Of course...

(y/n): Listen Michael, I've changed my mind...

(Michael): Huh, go on

(y/n): I don't want to kill you anymore. Please, leave the White Fang and let's end this thing between us... Let the family reunite. I'm sure that our parents would think the same...

(Michael): HAHAHAHAHA! Reunite the family?! WHAT A JOKE! You think that I would so easily give up? Let's continue our duel and then we'll see...

(Blaze): (*Sigh* Having only a conversation won't just work...)

(y/n): (Yeah...) Alright then Michael, let's continue our duel!

"Normal POV"

Yang and others are watching from far away while (y/n) and Michael are preparing for their final battle...

(Yang): (Good luck (y/n)...)

(Hector): (You can do it dude!)

(Frost): (Give your best shot Blaze)

(Ruby): ((y/n)...)

(Michael): *Summons Dragon Tooth* You ready for our final battle (y/n)?!

(y/n): Haha, I'm always ready Michael... *Summons Saber Tooth*

They dash forward towards each other and they hit their spears together once again... This time, Michael wasn't holding back at all like last time and (y/n) was struggling...

(y/n): (Blaze! Sweep kick him!) *Summons Blaze*

Blaze appeared behind Michael and he sweep kicked Michael, making him fall on his back... (y/n) then tried to stab him with Dragon Tooth, but he then remembered that he can't kill Michael. Michael saw (y/n) doing nothing and took this opportunity to attack him...

(Blaze): (y/n)! What are you doing?!

Michael quickly got up and did a roundhouse kick and hit the side of (y/n)'s head... Knocking him on the ground...

(Blaze): You little!

Ember suddenly appeared in front of Blaze by not letting him to attack Michael

(Ember): Let them have their own fight brother... We still have our own fight...

(Blaze): Aargh! Alright! Come at me!

"(y/n)'s POV"

I stood up from the ground and my head heart so much... I noticed that my Saber Tooth got knocked out from Michael's kick

(Michael): Why did you hesitate (y/n)?! You had your chance!

(y/n): I said that I'm not going to kill you!!

I then started to run towards Michael

(Michael): Without your weapon? Alright then... *Throws Dragon Tooth away*

(Hector): What is he doing?! He's not good in hand to hand combat! We have to help him now! Yang?!

(Yang): We have to wait for his signal Hector...

Brothers' Quarrel: Yang Xiao Long X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now