Annoy: People At The Movies

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1. If it's a kid's movie, scream," MY EYES! THEY BURN! SO INAPPROPRIATE!!" at a hugging scene.

2. If it's a scary, R-rated movie, laugh obnoxiously at the terrifying parts.

3. Get up in front of the screen and say calmly, "We are having an hour-long intermission," at an exciting part of the movie.

4. Scream loudly, "I WANT POPCORN!! Ooh, and maybe some Sno-Caps, too."

5. Watch another movie at FULL BLAST. WITHOUT HEADPHONES.

6. Shout, "LAAAAMEE!!" at random intervals.

7. Act out the scenes as they happen. LOUDLY.

8. Get up and do "The Harlem Shake".

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