the cause

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(Eli and the ninja and Brother and sister make there way to area 51 what will happen let's find out)
Me: welcome to area 51
Jay: it's real
Cole: duh it's real
Lloyd: wow so big
Kai: that have alien equiptment I think but they stopped studying aliens when they found the plague
Lloyd: what's a plague?
Me: it's a disease that started this
Lloyd: oh so like a cold
Me: kind of
(they all enter area 51 killing every zombie they could find)
Jay: ok now we need to find a time machine
Me: we don't even know there is a time machine
Cole: we can try looking though
Zane: look everywhere friends
Kai: (looks in mirror fixing hair)
Jay: really Kai
Kai: what
Cole: we don't have time for arguing
Zane: true
Me: ow
Cole: what
Me: my head hurts like it's telling me something
Zane: maybe his power is affecting your head
Lloyd: maybe
Me: I know what will happen we need to find the time machine now
Jay: cool he has future vision
Zane: indeed where is the time machine
Me: in the basement
(they all go to the basement)
Zane: good job
Jay: ya let's do this (shocks time machine)
Jay: let's go
Me: everyone hold on and think when you want to be at
(they all thinks of the start of the cause of it all)
(they all disappear)
Me: did we make it
Jay: ya
Kai: ok
Zane: ok we need to be in the shadows don't look at anyone you know or yourselves got it
All: got it
Zane: good
Cole: we are still in area 51
Me: look at there test subject for the plague the first zombie I saw him at the begining
Me: (grabs plague shot)
Jay: you did it let's get out of here
Brother: uh oh
Me: what
(out the window a meteor hits area 51)
Me: good thing I had the shot wait where did it go
(plague sticking in my leg)
Me: ow it in my leg ow ow ow
Cole: oh no
Me: wait no drop of the plague has got in me yet
(Eli goes on all 4 both hands and feet pulling out the shot)
Me: that was a very close one
Cole: yup
Brother and sister: yes
(they go back to present time)
Me: ok let's hope this worked
( they take time machine with them and leave)
Me: what is going on
All: oh my gosh
Me: this is not good at all
(To be continued)

(sorry the book was way to short and has lots of grammar issues but part 3 is coming soon)

ninjago light ninja part 2Where stories live. Discover now