Chapter 1

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Louis' POV.

"Dad, I'll be  heading out now." I shouted as I ran down the stairs, grabbing my coat from where it hung on the coat hanger next to the front door.

"Where you off to then?" Dad asked as he walked towards me from the living room.

"I... uh, didn't I mention, I'm going to the pub downtown with some friends of mine." I said avoiding his eyes.

He thought for a moment before nodding. "Have fun."

I excited the house going in a different root than downtown where the pub was.

I live in a town where there lived wealthy people, but not far from there is a river that flowed by the coal yards, there are wooden old houses, the people that lived in them where poor.
They stayed on their side of the fences, while we stayed on ours.

But I'm different, I don't pick sides.
That's one of the reasons why I'm heading there.

I walked down the street and came up to my destination.
I smiled looking up at the rotten old house with shuttered windows and knocked on the door.

Not even a minute later the door swung open and there he stood.

Big smile and bright eyes.

My darling.


We met when I was in town one day, he was buying bread at the store I was in, and I couldn't help but stare at him then, he was just so beautiful, a sight that I feel unworthy of seeing.

I followed him as he walked home and saw him going in the direction of the wooden houses, I didn't care though.

He obviously noticed my presence and turned around to confront me.
We talked and from then I've been head over heels in love with this boy.

At first he was confused as to why someone as upper class as me would ever fall for him.
I just smiled and kissed him, it was our first.

I have been coming here for over a year now, dating Harry.
But it's a secret, one that I keep from my dad.

Today I'm planning something.

"Hi love." I smiled and he jumped into my arms hugging me tightly.

"Hi!" Harry smiled and kissed me.

I pulled away and took his hand smiling at him.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I asked to which he nodded and went back inside to tell his mom.

She didn't mind about us, she was a beautiful woman who supported us.

As me and Harry walked I led him to the river.

It was a dirty river, flowing at a fast pace, but it was surrounded with soft green grass and beautiful oak trees, this was our spot.

It was the place we first hanged out at, where we became friends, best friends.
The place where we shared our first kiss and I asked him to be mine.

I sat down on the grass and took Harry down with me, pulling him onto my lap.

"Why are we here?" He asked softly as he laid his head on my shoulder and gazed around.

I took a deep breath in, carding my hand softly through his long curly hair.

"I love you, my darling, so much." I spoke.

"I Love you too, Lou." He murmured.

I sat him up and lifted him off from my lap, placing him on the grass and sat right in front of him.
He had his knees bent and I had my legs on either side of him as we face each other.

I put my hand on his knees and looked him in his bright eyes.

"I want you to promise me something..."

He nodded smiling shyly. "Anything."

I took a deep breath again and reached a hand behind myself, fishing out what I had hidden in my back pocket, a small black box. This is it.

I bought it between us and I noticed his eyes widen.
Opening it up I revealed a silver ring, a ring that could possibly change our lives, a ring I've been saving up to buy for this very moment, the ring I have been hiding from my dad for the past week.

"Promise me, you'll stand by me, and I swear I'll always love you. You are my world and I can't imagine a life without you. So please do me this honour and marry me?"

Harry had his hand over his mouth, tears rolling down his soft cheeks.
I reached out my hand and wiped them away.

"Yes, Lou! And I promise. Always. I love you."

Down By The River... (Larry Stylinson AU) SadWhere stories live. Discover now