Day 49

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"It's not that you're not beautiful.  You're just not beautiful to me."

I inhale the smell of gasoline, willing the tank to fill faster with my thoughts.  But the dial barely moves from E.  How ironic.  His car, his prized posession, his "baby" is as empty as he is.


Had he been talking that whole time?  I hadn't heard him.  I was listening to my blood rushing, slipping out of the cracks of my broken heart.  

I could feel something-his hand?-on my leg and I shivered.  I needed to breathe.

I don't know what compelled me to run but I did.  My haphazard dodge of a pick up truck turning into the lot scared him, and he was screaming my name.

I wanted him to follow me.  I wanted him to run and grab me.  To wrap his arms around my waist and let me cry.

But he couldn't be seen without his car.  

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