Long Lost Hooker Rescue

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All started as the beautiful woman left his bed after engaging in the most of all most lovemaking sessions . Still , Matt felt more lonesome than ever . Paying prostitutes thousands of dollars just to receive an momentary feel bothered him as each one exited . Money didn't seem to be the trouble ; since Matt earned a hefty amount each week doing upper management work in the office . Matt had money to blow and then some when it came to spending , but spending thousands for three hour sessions with the same prostitutes became tired some . One day Matt decided to find a new listing and call on a new prostitute . Her name was Janine and she would be there later on that night around eight. The discussions of prices weren't talked about only Janine wanted to know the time and the location . So Matt became preparing for his sex meet ; ironing his clothes , having the money placed into an envelope marked bills in case of a bust, his lucky watch , and the usual casual attire . Soon as seven fifty nine hit, there was a knock on the hotel door . Matt walked near the door and slowly opened . There appeared a beautiful slender Asian woman with a complete body . Her breast were large and well rounded . Her hair pressed and with beautiful blue highlights . Matt while letting her inside the room was astonished . They both sat on the bed . Janine was the first one to break the silence . " I'm sure you been with many of the prostitutes and often felt good but still felt a sense of being lonely after they left , I'm going to propose that we try something different , would you agree?" Matt looked surprised as to what Janine had said and nodded . Janine raised up from the bed and ordered Matt to strip and flat on his back . Matt was a little nervous at the request , in being that he never was ordered to be in a posting per the prostitutes request . Janine kept her clothes on as she sat near Matt's toes. Janine then began kissing each toe of his . Matt felt a tingle. Janine started to work her way up kissing Matt wherever her lips were . Then came the rubbing along Matts body with some form of massage oil . Each rub was intense and felt with some form of great care . Matt's nerves were now gone . Janine reached towards Matt  chest where there was a scar from years back resulting from an accident . The deep scar became noticeable to Janine , as she lightly stroked the scar with one finger and placed her lips on the scar while keeping them there and while staring directly at Matt . Tears rolled down his eyes as he never felt this loved by a prostitute or any girl for that matter . Each tear that rolled down on his cheeks hit his chest . Janice wiped each tear and just stared at Matt as if he were her full attention . Mark was chocking up . " I can't believe what younger doing for me miss Janine , for the first time I feel like I am in love , I know it's not good to fall in love with a prostitute , but you are something special ." Janine smiled then got on Matt's chest . Janine pulled a ring from off her finger and placed it on Matt's wedding finger . Janine uttered the words . " Will you marry me Matt?"  Matt then bursts out in tears . " Yes, oh my god, yes I'll marry you Janine ". They kissed and rubbed each other for the full night . Everything seemed as a dream now to Matt as he now had a wife , someone who can inspire him , basically a good reason to live even more . Before Janine Matt's mind always drifted to hopelessness and suicidal ideation . Now Janine , Matt's wife , appeared out of nowhere as if she were his long lost rescue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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