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"Hellow "I said into the phone to my nigga ant "wass good young" he said sighing "mane wuss good u sound all sad and shit "I said curiously "man somebody just got six in they body "he said "man I'm sorry to hear that but I mean thus happens almost everyday down by my way"I said truthfully "but man this is different -his voice was shaking this ain't like him "it it was mel man Mel they got him he ain't get no love from the cops non they don't even know who did it "he said

When he said it was Mel my heart sunk to my ass checks I damn near shitted in my self "fuck fuck why did they do this to my brother man my brother " I said getting on the car ....."fuck outta the way man "I said to a car while I was proceeding to Chandra house to talk to her and the girls

"Mya ,cha,kaykay ,Chandra come here "I yelled to them while pacing the floor "what uncle August "they said while coming down the stairs and sitting on the couch "you girls know how much your daddy loves yall and how he said that no matter what happens to him he want yall to still know he her- "August what exactly are you trying to get at " Chandra said "let me sit down Mel me-Mel is gone he gone " I said pinching the bridge of my nose

"It's going to be ok going to get back at whoever did this to them I promise "I said to a crying cha,Kay,Mya,and Chandra they was out of it Chandra went upstairs breaking things " I want you guys to have these " I said to my three queens "those are da day chains "they all said while I pulled out "yea they are " I said while putting one on each of they neck

"Chandra I need you to call trav and mama over and tell them I need to go handle some business "I said "ok bro-sniffle sniffle but promise me you won't do anything stupid "she said " I can't make any promises" I said

I need a stress reliever.

I need to go to the trap to find thoughs fuckers who killed my brother. I'll die trying to find revenge of who stole my brothers life. I drove to the trap to get my guns settled.

When I walked in the building, theses guys were having, will it looked like a private conversation. " Who the hell are y'all?" I asked, all heads turned to me. One of the guys  pointed a gun at me, I thought I came prepared but I guess not. I checked my front and back pocket for my AK 47 but, nun was there.

When I looked up a fist came flying to my face, as I stumbled and fell. They crowded around me, kicked me they even spit on a nigga.  "You Mel brother huh lil yella nigga" I heard the nigga say and I instantly knew who it was it was waren he been having beef with me and my Bros  I know now that I have to get that nigga  back . " YO WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard someone yell and shot's were fired.

Bang Bang Bang

I covered up my head, and crunch in a little ball. " Man get yo bitch ass up. You ain't no shield, a bullet will go straight through yo head man." I know that voice, TJ. I quickly got up and headed out the trap house. I ain't dying today...

Jay pov
Hey yall my name is jay and I am August girlfriend quote on quote but I am pregnant with waren baby that's my baby daddy yea I know that waren and August been trying to kill each other for as long as I can remember but August got that big dough and August do not know that I'm pregnant or that I'm waren girlfriend and baby mama and waren don't know that I go out with August I'm just with August for his money and yea

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