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Hope for better if things are bad, don't let haters bring you down because they want you to feel bad and if u feel bad then they won but if u don't show them that u feel bad then you won, it's simple  people think they are so cool but really dose it matter , tell then if they think there so cool to apply to collage and see if they get in if they wright on there collage application that they were popular in high school , let's be honest, they won't care , they are so worried about what people think about them and that if they  don't buy something that is trending that they won't have friends because real friends won't care if u wore a ripped up t shirt, crocks, and shirts  they would not care if they were your real friend. This is the most important thing that people don't relize. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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