xLike me?x

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S:D-do you like me?
There was silence in the room for like 7 seconds witch felt like 20 mins.
F: ...

S:because if you don't tha-

Sans was cut of by frisk saying...

F: I-I do like you Sans *she blushes bright red* I have liked you sense I fell down Mt.Ebot and....

There was more silence in the room and then...
Frisk had flash backs not plesent ones she stared to cry and then she stared to see the bad side of sans but he was not being mean at the time he was worried so he call papyrus,undyne,and alphys.
They all came in a flash ,alphys need Sans to bring Frisk to her lab so they all when to the lab but sans was a bit uneasy because she did not want to hert frisk ; she was still crying and having bad flashbacks and every time Sans touched her she shook in fear . Sans was so worried and scared to touch her but he knew it will be fast he will just go through the timeline.
So he did it when he went to alphys' lab undyne took her she kept crying be stop shaking in fear they did tests on her after 2 tests Sans walk out

S:hey guys I'm gonna go get some fresh air

A: i-is every thing o-ok Sans

U:yeah are you ok bonehead?

S:yeah I'm fine all this tecno stuff is getting to my head heh

P:Neh? are you sure I can make you spaghetti

S:no really I'm fine guys its been a long day and this tecno stuff is getting to my head  that's all im fine really =D!

U:ok bonehead don't die and if you do I'll kill you (idk its what she dose FYI this is coming from me lol)

S:heh ok I'll try =/ =)

Sans' POV
*what he's thinking* oh my I hope frisk will be ok I ,what, how, what did I do to her, one minute it was a normal conversation (no xD) An then

Sans has flashbacks about him herting frisk "that's why she was scared" sans telaports back to the lab

All: Sans!??!

S: huf huf I know what's wrong with frisk!!

I'm soooo sorry I did not get it by Friday my internet has not been the grate so yeah ♥ once again im so sorry

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