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Promise POV

I was walking to my locker and I seen the same boy from earlier and his friends by it "damn" I whispered .

"Aye yall on my locker "oh I forgot my mouth has no filter "Damn ma sorry" that fine boy said "I'm Jason""Promise"by now I was blushing hella hard.The bell rung and i went to my first class Ms.Jones science once I walked in all eyes were in me ,I sat down then Jason came in "fuck he got this class" he came and sat right behind me and this cute light skin girl with curly hair sat beside me "Hey in India""Promise""Cute name we finna be bestfriends"I laughed to myself a little "Ok class today we have a new student"......

India POV

WASSUP NIGGGAAAASSS i'm India King and yes Jason ugly ass my brother ,anyways back to me i'm light skin ,5'3 ,long curly hair and thick af .Me and my bro run the AK gang ....that's it bye 

Promise POV

Finally I get to a class I like music ,I went in the class room and i seen Jason's friend Jacquees I think so i went and sat by him but some bitch pushed me and took my seat"Ummmm excuse me but you in my seat""I don't see yo name on it bitch"pause rewind delete did this stiff weave loose pussy ass hoe call me a bitch "Cute now get up puppy cause as you can see by this nigga face once you walked in yo pussy stank"next thing ik I feel a slap then everything just turned red.After awhile all i see is the hoe on the floor crying with a black eye and shit all I got was a lil cut and was sent to the office "Ms.Smith you just got here and get into a fight i have to suspend you go to class "I decided not to go to class and just walked the halls.While I was checking my instagram I bumped in to someone again wtf .I looked up and it was Jason"Wassup ma I heard about the fight""Yea got suspended"Aye you wanna skip?""Sure"*20 minutes later*

Jason POV

This Promise chick is cool .I been chilling with her all day then I took her home since I got work."INDIA YOU READY""NIGGA HOLD ON"So we going to a club to smoke this nigga who been stealing my shit which I don't play about*at the club*"India you know what to do"I yelled over the music "yea" India went up to V.I.P where Smoke the head of the blood gang was she sat on his lap and did what she had to.THAT'S MY SIS

India POV

Ewww this nigga smell like loose old pussy "suck it up Indi"they played porn star by August Alsina I started grinding on the guy's lap and I could feel him getting hard" damn his shit big to bad I gotta kill him"I thought .After awhile I took him to the back where Jason was waiting and put him on a chair then turned on the lights.Jason came from a corner pulling out his gun"Bye bitch"POWPOW nigga was done.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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