Retelling: ::Gaia Leyf:: :What Started it All::

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The Early Autumn wind nearly blew me off of my feet as I walked from the stable to the house. It whipped my hair into my face, and attempted to trip me with my own skirts. That happened a lot in Autumn.

The big, old, black marble villa was the place I'd called home since childhood. I had many memories of laughter there, and my children would too, if I had anything to say about it. But they weren't laughing when I walked in. Henry had somehow lined them all up in the entryway, and made them keep quiet. Usually it took us both a lot of threatening, begging, and bribing to do that on any given day, but there they stood faces downcast, and in their best clothes. All except for little one year old Silver, who I picked up as she swayed on her feet and rubbed her eyes.

"Dear?" I asked in a tone that let him know he was in trouble, "What is going on?"

Aneria, at six, looked up at me with panicked eyes. "Mama, he sold Silver!"

"Now, honey, I didn't sell her." He mopped his sweating brow, "Lydia and Marcus Flayre came by. Their son, Finian, is looking for a bride. I didn't have Silver or Aneria down here as an option, but they came down looking for you and he chose little Silver."

"He is nine years older than her!" I gaped openly at the idiot. "She's one!"

"Dear, be rational! The Flayres are influential and rich, they rub elbows with the king! Finian could be king in a few short years! You couldn't find a better husband for her!"

"No? Maybe not. But I can find one for me."

In the morning light, he left the property and I sat rocking Silver on my lap. She looked up at me with eyes that matched her hair and name and smiled serenely. As if she was telling me all would be okay. She did that a lot, and for some reason, I always believed her.

It would be eleven years before she met Finan Flayre again.

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