30 3 15

(this may or may not be the last chapter)

kms666; he was amazing and everything

kms666; i met him a year ago and he's now buried six feet underground 3.5 hours away from me!

kms666; how great is this?

missjackson6969; it's great!

kms666. ....?

missjackson6969; lol just kidding this is polly on jacksons account!

missjackson6969; gotcha!

kms666; i hate you i almost cried..

pellicopter; im so mean rite?

kms666; im gonna go kill my self....

kms666; i actually miss him so much. both jackson and james

(A/N; im crying i actually miss james and jackson in this story they were my favourites even though jackson was a rat)

pellicopter; i do too.

kms666; you don't understand how close james and i were. we could of been married!

pellicopter; jackson and i were close as hell, we've known each other for two years do you realize how much i cried when i found out he committed?

kms666; sorry.

pellicopter; it's ok

kms666; well, im deleting kik. see you at school one day if i ever live. .. i love u polly!

pellicopter; bye Nathanial hopefully u stay alive.

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and that's the end lol!!!! have fun remembering jacksons death, james!!

one kik message Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt