Hayes did it

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Taylor's pov

I'm in deep shit. I broke Cameron's favorite vase. Hayes saw me too. "If you tell you're dead." "CAMER-" I quickly covered his mouth. "Shut up brat. Gosh." Hayes licked my hand. "That's nothing compared to what girl like to lick." "Mm mph mphhh." I uncovered his mouth. "You're nasty." He then went to his room. Once he was in his room Cameron came and looked furious. "Hayes did it!" I said quickly but not in a suspicious way. "BENJAMIN HAYES GRIER!" Wow! Full name. He's pissed. Hayes ran to where we were in fear. Awww I almost feel bad. "Y-yes Cammy?" "WHY DID YOU BREAK THE VASE?" "I-I didn't." "Hayes you know Cameron hates lying. Just tell him you were playing around and broke it." I said. "You did it Taylor!" "Unbelievable Hayes. My room now! Boxers down!" Oh shit Hayes is about to get it. Hayes didn't hesitate to go. He ran up to Cameron's room sobbing. "I'll clean up the mess." "Thank you Taylor." I grabbed the broom and dustpan and started sweeping. I saw Cameron walk by with a wooden spoon. Shit what did I do? I quickly cleaned up the mess and listened to Hayes spanking. "50 WITH SPOON! HOPEFULLY YOU'LL STOP LYING TO ME AFTERWARDS!" Oh my god what have I done? After 20 smacks Hayes was screaming. I burst through the door in tears. "STOP HE DIDN'T DO IT!" Cameron looked at me confused then back at the screaming Hayes over his lap. "Them who did it?" "I-I-I did. I'm so sorry I lied I didn't want to get in trouble and Hayes was the only one that saw me so I lied and said he did it. I'm so sorry." "I'm gonna calm Hayes down. I want you to get a switch. If it's not the right size I will pick it and you'll get double understood?" "Yes sir. I'm sorry Hayes." I went to the back yard and picked a dissent sized switch. I walked back inside and saw Hayes in Cameron's lap cuddling. "I'm sorry Hayes." "I-I-it's ok." He smiled at me and hugged me. I don't deserve this at all. The spanking I do but the hug. I don't deserve it. I'll take it though. "Taylor pants and boxers at your ankles and lay over the bed. Hayes come here you're gonna give your first spanking." Seems fair to me. I did as told and waited to be whipped. The first smack was hard. I knew Cameron had did that one. Now it's Hayes's turn. I have 19 more to go. The second smack was harder than the first. I jolted forward a little. This is going to be hell. As the spanking continued the smacks got harder. Once I hit ten I was crying. Hayes stopped and laid in front of me. "Ten more Taylor." Cameron said. Hayes held my hands and sadly smiled at me. Cameron kept the spamming going having me cry into Hayes lap. "It's ok Taylor." Hayes rubbed his hands through my hair. Once Cameron finished I was a little calmed down. "I love you Taylor. I'm sorry you had to get spanked. I shouldn't' have let you take the blame. I'm sorry." "No Hayes it's my fault. I should've told the truth instead of lying. I didn't think it through. I didn't think about your feelings or in this case your butt." He giggled. "But I should think more I promise I won't do it again for a while ok?" "Ok." He hugged me tight and smuggled his head in my neck. "I love you Taylor." "I love you too Hayes." I let go and pulled up my boxers then changed into sweats. "I'll always take the blame for you Taylor. No matter what." He hugged me again. I hugged back and put my head in his shoulder. "Thank you Hayes." I smiled wide. At least I know someone has my back when I need them.

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