An Open Letter

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Loving you is the same as murdering myself

I thought I can bear this feeling

But everyday I find myself longing for you

Just seeing you with those crazy behaviors

My heart is melting and full of joy

I hate you for having big impact to me

I abhor you for causing happiness and pain at the same time

I want to be far away from you

To prevent my feeling to grow

I wish my love for you will evaporate

like the water, at the snap of my finger

Teach me to not love you

It's more better to be a snob

For me to not notice you

Learning how to handle this admiration

How to kill this insolent love

Wait! can you just be fair to me?

Just tell me that you love me too

I know, there's no way in hell

Hope! I can bury this and forget everything

For the sake of the word US.


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