shut the fuck up! part one

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You lived in America your entire life, but you needed a change. You don't have a job and your parents kicked you out because lost job. How do you deal with the shit you put up with? You move to Ireland. Why? You wanted to try your hand at potato farming and you've always loved the rain. So you grab your plain ticket and move to Ireland! This is where you find a job that you like! Bout there's one problem.....

Ok, you're still new at being a teacher. Now your going to really hunker down and study, grade papers and all that rot. Half way through grading, you here a loud moan from one of your new neighbours. You roll your eyes and think it's probably that person across your street having sex or something. You ignore it for a few minutes until it goes to screaming. You go over and see what's wrong.

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Yelling like that? Of course your going to get a noise complaint! He needs to calm down! You think to yourself on the way over. You bang on the door with your fist clenched with rage.

You here footsteps coming towards the door. You can see a small Irish man with green hair on the other side. This couldn't be who you thought right? It wasn't possible you moved next to Jacksepticeye! The odds are unlikely! No, that's definitely who it was! You panic inside and you were fixing to yell at your hero to shut the fuck up!

"Yes?" He said with an embarrassed accent in his voice. You suddenly remembered why you were there. "Yeah uhhh, I heard a few screams I wanted to make sure everything was alright." You say calming your nerves and your fangirl mind. " oh yeah sorry about that....your the new neighbor right? Everything fine, I do it for a living, I'll try to pipe down sorry again." He said even more embarrassed than before. "Its ok, my name's (your name), your Sean right? I've seen some of your videos and I really liked them, I didn't know it was you at first, well it was nice meeting you!" You say calmly trying not to explode. "Nice meeting you too (your name) have a good day!" He states before shutting the door. You walk back to your house blushing the entire way

If I get 10+ views I'll make another part, I don't know if you guys will like it

A Noise Complaint A Jacksepticeye X Reader SmutWhere stories live. Discover now