Part 5: The Clinic

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I do believe this is a mighty fine day for updating. Sorry for goin all fancy I've been bored what else can I say... Welp enjoy le chapter puuuuppppiiiieeesssss!!!😋

Shiro's POV:

I'm freaking out mentally as my one and only crush, that's right, Ichigo Kurosaki is holding me. I can feel myself lightly blush as I'm being held at his chest.

My wounds hurt like hell but I feel safe in his arms. I let out a small yawn. After all, getting beaten and scared shitless takes a lot out of me. And so I close my eyes starting to drift to sleep in Ichigo's arms.

"Hey now, don't fall asleep just yet. We are almost there." He pokes me on my side and I flinch slightly. He looks down at me, a bit of guilt in his eyes, and mumbles a 'sorry' but I just shake my head slightly and he looks back up with guilt still in his eyes.

"I'm s-so tired..." I feel my eyes droop closed despite my efforts to keep them open but with that I quickly fall into the darkness.

Ichigo's POV:

Once the albino passed out, I began to panic trying to wake him up. With no such luck, I quicken my footsteps and I soon near my house.

When I get there, I kick open the door yelling out, "DAD I NEED HELP PLEASE!!!" He comes over running in his doctor's coat and looks at me worried till his eyes fall on the albino. His eyes widen slightly at the albino's condition and he motions for me to come with him.

"What's his name? How did you find him? Have you contacted his family?" My dad asks all these questions which I answer to quickly. "I don't know his name yet. He passed out on the way here. I found him in this condition in the bathroom after Grimmjow and his group walked out. And I've had no contact with his family but I don't plan on talking to them."

He gives me a questioning look as we rush to an open room to put this albino in. "It was his request." My dad nods and we finally find an open room but when I put the albino on the bed my dad rushes me out.

"I'll check his vitals and I'll clean his wounds. You stay out here and I'll call you back in once I'm done." I look at my dad with a worried expression but nod and head up to my room. I was never good in the clinic but I hope the albino's alright.

Ishin's (Ichigo's dad's) POV:

I was checking up on a patient that's been here for a few weeks when suddenly, the house door bursts open and I hear Ichigo yell out, "DAD I NEED HELP PLEASE!!!"

I rush out of the clinic in concern since he never calls me by 'dad' unless it's serious. I look over at Ichigo worried about to say 'what's wrong' when my eyes land on a bloody, battered, and bruised albino.

I motion him to come with me and start looking for any open rooms. I asked Ichigo all the important first questions not getting much information except for who beat the kid.

We find a room and I let Ichigo set the albino on the bed before rushing him out. He gives me a questioning look and I explain what I'm going to do and tell him he needs to stay out.

He stares at me for a few seconds his face quickly turning into one of worry before he nods and goes up to his room.

I quickly close the door and start to undress the albino to see all the wounds he has. I don't see much as I find his upper body covered in guaze and mentally question it before slowly unwrapping it and seeing every bleeding cut and slash he has.

His chest is scattered with bruises and scars as well as many open wounds that I quickly clean and disinfect.

Most of his arms are covered in bruises and scars as well but I can see an array of lines from his wrist to his elbow, some old and scarred but some new and angry looking. I clean his arm, major concern showing on my face and guaze his arm moving to the other one just to see the same thing.

I clean and wrap that arm as well and press lightly on his chest and find about 5 broken ribs. I shake my head at his poor body condition and carefully turn him on his side to get a look at his back.

I clean the wounds first before looking at his back properly and see an array of bruises and scars.

Most of the scars look like a whip made them while most of the bruises look like an array of shoes and fists. I look at how his back is a black/blue/grey combination along with his chest and shake my head again with great concern since his skin is supposed to be stark white.

I wrap up his chest and take his vitals seeing that he's just passed out gives me a bit of a relief and I see his vitals are just fine. But when I check his weight it's no where near what it's supposed to be.

He's just over 60 pounds when he's supposed to be about 110 pounds for his height. Reguardless, I write everything I've found out on a clip board and put him in a gown before heading out to get Ichigo.

Ichigo's POV:

I'm pacing around my room worried about the albino when my dad comes in with the most serious face I've ever seen him pull off. "How bad is it dad?" He says nothing and meerly hands me the clip board he's holding.

I scan over it reading everything he's found and gasp in shock after reading it all several questions going through my head.

Just what did grimmjow and his gang do to him? Is he cutting himself? Why is he getting abused? How is he still alive? Is this why he was afraid when he told me not to call his family?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my dad waves his hand infront of my face. "Ichigo? Are you listening?" "H-huh? Sorry, what was that?"

He sighed before looking at me again, "You should stay with him and watch him till he wakes up. I can tell the school that I need you at the clinic for a few days alright?"

I nod my head and give the clip board back to my dad before I exit my room but I stop turning around. "Thanks dad." He nods and I head down to the albino's room ready to look after him for as long as I need to.


Awww. Well isn't that sweet. Ichi's gonna take care of Shiro. Anyways I know I didn't write a scene where Shiro got beat but I was bein lazy ok. But what's gonna happen once Shiro gets well enough to go home? Only I know for now. MUAHAHAHAHA. Welp I'm gonna go now so see ya later pups!

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