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-*-Aphmau's POV-*-

I stand there with my mouth open and so does Laurance as my eyes feel purple "Irene?" I say slowly "yes it's me Aphmau I'm just visiting, because I ship Laurmau" she said. Wow she's just like Kawaii chan "Well then... Why are you here?"--

-*-A quick word from our sponsors and my POV *-

"Are you always late for Aphmau?" Silvia said aka TheDragonScale101 "yeah.." I said "thennnnnnnnn..." Silvia said "Then what?" I said "thennnnnnnnnnnnnnn..." She kept saying "ok yeah I don't get paid enough for this.." I said as I left "thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... Ask Temmie.......oh no......" She said "TEMMIE WILL DESTROY ALL OF YOU!!!" Temmie said. Then Celeste comes out of nowhere and says "hi" then Timmie dies and says "I WILL COME BACK FOR U...." She said as she dies

-*-Back to the story-*-

"Why are you here?" I asked "I'm here to tell you..." She said worried I had my 😥 face on "I'm here to tell you... Congrats on your second kid & will both have powers after you get married" she said happily."Thanks Irene" Laurance said "and everyone in your family even Zoey has 10 lives" Irene explained " now if you excuse me I've got some fanfics to read" Irene disappears "Laurance... I don't feel very goo--" my world turns blurry then black and I feel myself falling and hitting the floor and Levin crying...

-*-Laurance POV-*-

Oh no Aph just fell... What to do....what to do... Umm Zoey! "Zoey!!!!!!! Help!!!!" I say as I pick up levin and Zoey comes running inside "Call Cadenza to take levin or Garroth I don't know but I'll take Aphmau to her old bed she might have baby Lauren" Zoey Said. I call cadenza..

-*-Candeza's POV-*-

Garroth kisses me but my phone rings I lean back and it's Laurance and I answered it he said I need to get levin "Garroth, Aphmau's might have her baby right now so I have to get levin" I said "oh, let's go" he said as we run to aph's house. When we got there levin was crying and Laurance was scared but he could talk "so bro.. U did the dance with no pants?"Garroth said as I giggled "so are u guys a thing now? Or nah?" Laurance said "ummm yes we are a thing" I said "nice sister" he responded. Zoey walked in "Aphmau is fine she is just close to having the baby so yeah"Zoey said "yay nothing bad... I should change the wedding for tomorrow" Laurance said "tomorrow??? Great!!" I said happily

Well that was interesting...

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