(A/N hey hey hey it's lelelover well im back so last time we left diggy was in jail after he abused jelissa for not letting ebony go back to him, and also diggy was jelissa's something find out in the story and also this story is ending soon, i kno i kno it's ending but dont worry i have like alot more chapters to add but yea so comment in the comments if you want to be apart of my next story its gonna be a harry styles fanfic, so if you want to be apart of the story then comment down below and i will choose but you have to put your name and favorite member of one direction ok now to the story)
(jelissa's pov)
ok so after i was recovering from my bruises and stuff i got from diggy i went home and something came to my head that was extreamily important that needs to be told so I went down stairs with everyone, they all was in the living room talking about random stuff.
(End of pov)
Jelissa: hey guys( smiles a little and looks down)
Ebony: hey are you ok lele
Jelissa: yea it's something that I need to tell you guys that's really important
Everyone looks at each other with confused looks on there faces
Jelissa: (sits down on the couch and starts talking) ok so there's this thing I've been meaning to tell you guys for a long time but it just never came out I was afraid of how you guys would react to what imma about to say but please don't be mad at me I didn't mean to wait this long to tell you guys( gulps and speaks again) diggy and I use to be close friends in high school
Everyone looks at each other and gasps
Ebony: wat do mean close friends u never talked about him in high school
Jelissa: I kno because when we got to high school he use to abuse me in middle school we were close and we would always talk to each other and stuff like that but then in high school he got flirty and I dint like that. I Told him I just wanted to be friends then he got mad at me and started to hit me and hurt me because I wouldn't give him wat he wanted and he told me If ever told anyone that he was gonna kill me (starts to cry) I kno should if told u guys before but I just didn't want to get hurt and then he found out that I was ebony's cousin so then he went out with her and abused her he kept telling me that if I don't give him what he wants that he was gonna keep hurting her and eventually kill her and when he had called ebony to tell her to come back home I new he was gonna hurt her so when I asked ebony to come over I was gonna see if I could tell her about this but I didn't kno how and it scared me I am soooooooo sorry I didn't mean to keep this for sooo long (cry's harder)
Vicky: wow it's ok lee u didn't want anyone hurt and u was scared to tell us and u cared about ebony
Jelissa: no it's not ok (yells) I kept this from u guys and eveyday that went by I was scared for her and whoever else he had on mind to kill cause he knew I was goin out with roc in high schol and he had got really mad and didn't like him so he just kept trying to hurt me whenever he got the chance and he told me not to tell no one or that he was gonna kill me tic and ebony bandy didn't want that to happen I'm soooooo sort I wish I could just go back and just with I hadn't became friends with him. He was actually the only friend I had that cared or at least I thought he did in middle school when j got bullied he would tell me not to worry about them and he would encourage me to stay strong but then in high school he became flirty I told I just want to be friends and then roc came along ( looks at roc) and we became. Couple and then I lost weight and at that time diggy was abusing me cause he didn't want me to gi out with tic he wanted me all to him self and would try to things but I would LNG let him then he would get mad at me and start to hit me and stuff then he told me nit to tell anyone and that's what I wanted to tell u guys but I just didn't kno how I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm soooo sorry ( cry's even harder)
Roc: ( goes up to her and holds her like its no tomorrow) it's ok everything's better now he's in jail now and ur ok so font worry about it
Prince: yea lee don't worry about it everything's better now
Jelissa: thxs guys but I'm still sorry
Chantel: it's not ya fault u didn't want the people u cared About to get hurt it in.
Everyone gives Jelissa a hug then she feels better after that everyone goes to bed
the boys(mindless behavior love story)
Fanfictionfour girls who dates mindless behavior live together and their all are close friends jelissa is dating roc royal Vicky is dating prodigy chantel is dating ray ray aniya is dating Princeton but what happens when one of them gets pregnant will they ta...