Chapter 1: the awakening

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It's been a while since you received your bill. 'I wonder what's taking so long?', you thought. Then your phone rang. "That must be her.", you said, answering. "It's been a week since you received the last bill. I know you're struggling (y/n) so if you can pay the next one you can stay, but if you don't, you know what happens.", Mrs. Cleroam said. "Yes I understand.", you said. After you hung up you remembered that game you got for your PS3. You knocked a few things over getting to it. You unwrapped Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon and turned on the PS3. While the game was loading you started to feel tired. You kept yourself awake and heard a voice that said "Teeth as sharp as sun" and that was when you passed out. When you woke up you tried standing, but it felt like there were extra limbs weighing you down. You looked to see you had a (f/c) tail! A freaking tail! You looked at your shoulders to see (f/c) wings, you twitched your (f/c) shoulder, they moved a little. You saw that you had a (f/c) body with (stripes, spots, etc.). You looked at your hands- paws and saw they were (f/c) with (short, long) claws you placed on on your head and felt (as many horns as you would like or none) on your head. You got up and looked around, seeing a doorway you walked to it. Through the doorway you saw two dragons with some sort of collar that looked like a snake around their necks. "Weird.", you said. They looked around trying to see who said that. You quickly retreated, fearing what they would do if they saw you. You heard them walk towards the doorway and you hid behind a pillar. You heard one of them say "Hello? Anybody there?". You held your breath as they walked away, when you thought they were gone you sighed and stepped out from behind the pillar. Right after you were knocked onto the ground. "WHO ARE YOU!", you heard one of them roar at you. You struggled to escape, but it was useless. "LET ME GO!", you roared. "Cynder, let her go.", the other said. You felt the pressure on your back gone. You turned around. "Alright, so could you tell us who you are?", the polite one asked. "I'm (y/n). And you are?", you said. "The names Spyro and the one who pinned you down is Cynder.", Spyro said. Then the pillar you hid behind started to collapse. "We need to move.", Cynder said. You all ran out of the hallway you were in, just in time too, because it collapsed the second you all ran through the doorway. "Now let's find a way to get out of this place.", Spyro said. After about an hour of walking you all found the exit, then you heard a loud growl coming from a statue. It started to move. "Uh, what is that?", you asked Spyro. "That, is the Golem.", Spyro said. "Run I'll distract it!", you said, running at it. "What!? No!", Spyro said. "Spyro, listen to her, she's giving us the chance to escape.", Cynder said. When they got to the exit Spyro was yelling for you to get over there, but the Golem knocked you down into the inky blackness below. "No!", Spyro roared, but it was too late, you were falling and the exit collapsed.

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