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Please vote and comment if you like the story so far. Depending on the number of votes I get, I'll decide whether or not to continue to write more parts to this story.

 I woke up and gazed around the room. I was at a strange, unfamiliar room that had a warm, cool, atmosphere. 

Was I dreaming? My mind had completely gone blank and there were empty spaces within my memory. I couldn't remember anything that happened last night. Scared to death, my mind was thinking about some of the most horrible situations that could've occurred.

So I look underneath my covers. I was only in a man's plaid shirt with one button open showing the lacy part of my brasette.

 Did I have sex last night?

 I know I wouldn't stoop that low on satisfying my urges to avenge Justin.

 Did I get raped? 

That couldn't be the case. I know the rapist  wouldn't care enough to put the under garments back on his prey.

Suddenly, I start hearing roaring thunder. Terrified as ever, I let out a little scream, and tears start rushing down my cheeks as feelings of fear and confusion rush through me.

A man around six feet tall walked in. He had skin that was a neutral shade of brown. His eyes were green with a pinch of grey in them complimenting his chisled jaw. Just like the rest of his features, his body was nicely toned, and muscular. He was wearing nothing but a baggy pair of jeans. He left me breathless.

Whilst, I was frightened when he first walked in, something about him made me feel safe, although I was acting otherwise. Did I have sex with him last night?

As he came near, my heart beat skipped fast. I couldn't find the right words to say. As he sat on the bed, I sat up, shoving myself away from him and covering my self with his blanket. All of a sudden, the sky roared yet another one of its cries and I quickly shoved into his arms for protection. As I realized what I had done, I quickly pushed myself away from him.

Other than insects, thunder was my second phobia. So were rapists and kidnappers. Lets hope he was neither.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you," he spoke with an assuring voice.

 As my defense mechanism started its function, I just kept yelling out question after question. "What happened last night? Why am I in this, with no bra and no panties? Did I have sex with you?..."

"Shh, Calm down, you ask too many questions." he replied in a mockery way as a grin radiated from his face. "Nothing happened last night. Here are your clothes. I washed and dried them. Change into them and I'll tell you everything that happened when we eat breakfast."

 I did as I was told since I had no energy left to fight back.

I took off his plad shirt and stood in front of the mirror in his room. As I took a look at my self, I  saw a hickey on my neck. It was from Justin. This was what flawed me.

As I gazed around the room, I was observing the paintings around me. He was quite an artist. The one painting that amazed me the most was a beautiful blond woman with the most exquisite light blue eyes, in bed underneath a muscular man on top of her, kissing her neck. Honestly speaking, she looked like she was in great pleasure.

As I put my dress back on, I hoped that this guy meant no harm. My mind was still questioning what could've occured last night. However, I some how let my anxiety drift away, and headed towards a room that looked like it was the dining room.

I walked in to the dining room. On the table, there were bacon and eggs lying in a plate meant just for me. He was glaring at me with his green eyes, indicating me to sit down.

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