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I just wonder.
I get lost in my mind a lot.
that's why I'm so quite a lot
I try to socialize but my mind makes me get lost.

I wonder is it because of my free spirit that gets me in this.
Cause I never can seem to get out.

I make friends easy; it's the part of keeping them that gets me.
They don't like that i always have something to say.
They don't like that I speak my mind,
it always pushes them away,
but I refuse to change.

If you can't accept my loud mouth, & me telling you the truth, why should I be your friend?

I just wonder.
I get lost in my mind a lot.
that's why I'm so quite a lot
I try to socialize but my mind makes me get lost.

I know it's strange but I prefer to be alone,
to be lost in my thoughts battling myself within,

I'm comfortable in my own silence,
preparing myself for one day when I'm actually alone,
Cause my whole life all i could ever think about is somebody leaving me.

best way to not get left is to leave first, right?

that's why I just wonder.
& I get lost in my mind a lot.
that's why I'm so quite a lot
I try to socialize but my mind makes me get lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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