Wide hips,nice lips,nice hair,haters?,don't care.
Wide thigs,nice hi,nice face,loud?,don't hate.
Wide back, nice sack,nice shoes, hot?,don't be cool.
Wide phone,nice to e,nice shirt,strong?,don't hurt.
Wide ego,nice flow, nice pants,cute?,dint glance.
Wide chest,nice vest,nice voice,chosse?,don't choice.
Wide front,nice junk,nice trash; quick?,don't be flash.
Wide butt,nice hut,nice home,kid?,don't act TOO grow.
Wide arm,nice charm,nice skin,brown?, don't not win-win.
Wide crack,nice black,nice race,sike?,don't be in your face.
Wide hand,nice plan,nice thumb,smart, don't be dumb.
Wide throat,nice boat,nice ride,beauty, don't hide.
Wide neck,nice cheek,nice sound, beat,don't get down.
Wide teeth,nice speak,nice talk,convo?, don't walk.
Wide girl,nice swirl,nice spin,lose,don't not win.
Wide booty, nice beauty, nice phat, I,don't not like that.
+Wide brain,nice lane,nice oath,add em up, don't not math.