2. The King and Queen of Reverant

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The King and Queen of the land Reverant were a very kind and generous couple. They were blessed with two children one of which passed away. The one that passed away was a boy and the other a girl. But the King was so sorry for their lost they decided to tell the other two lands that they don't want to get involved in any business they want to do. They told them the situation and the other two lands said they gave them their blessing.

But there was a rumour spreading that said that the King and Queen of Reverant were mad because they said the other 2 lands killed their baby. Which in fact was  untrue. When the King and Queen found out they asked that there will be no war. They told them that there was a rumour spreading and that they didn't think the other 2 lands killed their baby. They knew it was a mistake that their son passed. The King and Queen knew that they would be protected so they went on with their lives. But  just in  case they sended some of the best spies to go to the other 3 lands.  in case they were planning a war. So that the King and Queen of Reverant would be prepared for it.

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