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I followed Josh into the classroom. First period; Maths, my favorite subject.(Note the sarcasm).
I sat next to Josh and waited for Mr.Ashby to begin. I took out my notebook and stared writing lyrics, getting lost in my thoughts.
Who the fuck are you to tell me, what I can or can't do or say? No, thanks! Fuck you!
-Ricky! I heard Mr.Ashby say cheerfully.
I looked up at the ginger.
-Yes? I asked nervous, while Josh was looking at me.
-What do you think is the answer at the problem 5? He asked, but before I could answer the bell rang, saving me.
Mr.Ashby sighed.
-Have a nice day! He murmured, as he watched us getting out the room.
Me and Josh went to the cafeteria, where Angelo and Chris were already waiting for us.
-Where are Ryan and Vinny? I asked quietly.
-Ryan is being late as always and Vinny is changing into some real clothes. Did you see the T-Shirt with the cat he had on today? Unbelievable! Answered Chris sitting down, between Angelo and Josh.
I sat opposite of them and looked through the tables.The only thing that is same in all schools is one:the teams.

1.The popular kids:
The kids that everyone wants to hang out with them, just because they are rich and care about nothing;Kellin Quinn,Matty Mullins, Haley Williams, Justin Hills and Nick Martins

2.The Mexicans
There are only four of them. They are mostly quiet and want always to help;
Vic and Mike Fuentes, Jaime Preciado and Tony Perry

3.The Hot Guys
The guys that every girl wants to bang and the guys that make guys to wonder about their sexuality;
Andy Biersack,Ashley Purdy, Jake Pitts,CC and Jinxx(no, I don't know their real names, no one does)

4.The Nerds
The nerds. I thing everyone knows about them. They are the kids you ask to do your homework;
Lee Malia, Zach Merrik, Ryan Dawson, Ryan Seaman and Jacky Vincent

5.The "Bad" Guys
The bad guys are always the ones that smoke, that never come in time and that have tattoos, although they are underage;
Denis Stoff and his boyfriend Ben Bruce, Cameron Liddel,Sam Bettley, James Cassels, Oliver Sykes, Ronnie Radke and Jordan Fish

7.The Geeks
The ones that know everything about movies, comics and books;
Austin Carlile,Aaron Pauley, Jack Fowler, Shaley Bourget and Michael Clifford

8.Although they are goth, they are hot as fuck
In this categorie, we only have to two examples;
Maria Brink and Ash Costello

Then, there's us.
9.The Goths
Chris Cerulli,18 years old.
Angelo Parrente, also 18 years old.
Ricky Olson aka me, 17 years old.
Josh Balz, also 17 years old.
Ryan Sitkowski, 15 years old.
And then we have Vinny Mauro, 12 years old.

And the last team;
10. The kids that don't have a team aka the poor kids that have no friends;
Jeffree Star, Bryan Stars, Jack Barack, Alex Gaskarth, Ashton Irwin, Danny Wornshop, Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun.

-I'm sorry I'm late! Said Ryan sitting down next to me.
-It's okay! I told him and he smiled.
He smiled at me and took out his lunch.
-Where the fuck is Vinny? Asked Josh impatiently.
-Maybe he got lost! Don't forget it's his first year in this building! I said and Angelo shook his head.
Suddenly, I someone threw me down. I looked up from the floor, to see Vinny standing there, laughing his ass off.
-What was that for? I asked, standing up.
-You okay there, Olson? I heard Ben Bruce ask and I nodded, sitting on my chair.
Chris looked up at us.
-Winter break is coming! He said.
-And? Asked Josh.
-My parents allowed me to go to our house in Cali for the holidays, but only if I take friends with me.
-You mean, without parents? Asked Ryan and Chris nodded.
-My parents are never going to let me come with you, guys! Sighed Vinny.
-We will find a way! Said Angelo and Vinny smiled.
-What about the rest of you, guys? Are you in? Asked Chris.
-Of course I'm in! Cheered Josh and Angelo nodded.
-Ryan? Ricky?
-I'm going to ask my parents, but I'm pretty sure they will let me come! Replied Ryan.
Chris smiled and looked at me,waiting for an answer.
-I don't know! I answered truthfully.
Chris rolled his eyes.
-C'mon Rick! Seriously, if you think about it, nothing can go wrong! And your parents let you do anything you want!
-Chris, you know that I can't leave! I told him, hoping he will remember.
-Why not? He snapped.
-You know why! I almost screamed and Angelo's eyes went wide as he remembered.
-No, I don't! Seriously, Ricky, stop with this crap or I'm....
-CHRIS! Screamed Angelo, making all the cafeteria look at us.
Chris' eyes went wide.
-Fuck! Ricky, I'm sorry! I totally forgot! I'm so sorry! He apologized, but I rolled my eyes.
-Stop it,Chris! I'm out of here! I said loudly grabbing my bag and standing up.
-Olson! Where are you going, dude? I heard Ronnie Radke ask.
-It's none of your business! I snapped and ran out of the school building.

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