We Are Hiring!

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Do you want to be a part of  TFP's new awesome project?

We are starting our Reviews and Recommendations as a separate book and we need a team of book-reviewers and scouts to help us along.


What would I have to do?

As a reviewer you would have to read and review the first three chapters of a football book assigned to you each week.

As a scout, you would have to look for excellent books  (popular and undiscovered) and recommend them to our team for reviews.

If you are selected as a reviewer you would have to do both.

How many reviewers are you looking for?

Depending on the quality of applications we get, 2-4.

I haven't written any books, can I still be considered for the post of reviewer?

It would be preferable to have at least some sort of writing up but we are willing to overlook that in special cases.

If you don't have any writing to showcase, your application should be good enough to make us overlook this.

For example, if you are an active reader and commenter you would be in our list of probable reviewers.

Most important qualities in a reviewer?

Unbiased, polite, honest and dedicated.

If you can only recommend and read books of your favourites or friends, you wouldn't be suitable for the job.

If you cannot differentiate between good and horrible grammar and writing, this is probably not a good job for you.

How do I apply?

We are posting the link of the Google form on our profile. Go fill it asap before the spots get filled up.

What do I get for becoming a reviewer?

You will be followed by this account, your books will be put in a suitable reading list, you will be given a shoutout on selection and you will be credited as a part of the review team. Any one of your books of your choice will be reviewed by us, if you want.

Pretty good? Yes.

If you have any more questions, please comment and ask away. We'll answer them straight away.

If you are applying, comment and let us know.

Don't be late and good luck!

P. S. Linking the form to this sentence as a comment just in case you can't find it on our profile.

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