2- Diagon Alley

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I stepped forward to the fireplace. I was prepared to go to Diagon Alley. My mother handed me some Floo powder, a special powder that, when thrown into the fireplace, allows you to be transported.
I stepped forward into the fireplace and threw my powder.
"The Leaky Cauldron!" I said as clearly as I could. I suddenly started spinning, and I felt as if someone was pulling me, by a hook through my navel. I saw other fireplaces pass me in a blur. All of a sudden, I stop. I'm here, The Leaky Cauldron. I always hated the feel of Floo powder, it's so uncomfortable. I would prefer to apparate, but I'm too young.
I sit at a table while I wait for Mother and Father to arrive. Eventually they do, and we step into Diagon Alley. I am mesmerised; it is enthralling. I look at my list to see what I need. First, my books. I head to Flourish and Blotts, and my parents pay 27 Galleons for: The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History of Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them and finally, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection.
Next we head to Madame Malkin's, to get my uniform.
Two of the stands are occupied, one by a boy with scruffy black hair and broken glasses, and the other with gelled back, platinum blonde hair. Fortunately, there is one stand left, and I go and stand on it, to wait for Madame Malkin. The black haired boy walks out, after shooting a glare at the other boy. He looks familiar, but I can't think where from.
As Madame Malkin walks over and begins measuring me for my uniform, the boy with the platinum blonde hair extends his hand to me.
"My name is Draco Malfoy. You are... Esmeralda Jacobs, correct?" He says.
"Yes, that's me." I laugh and shake his hand. He looks at me and says
"I believe that you're a pureblood, like me?" I nod, and I decide to ask him some questions.
"Are you going to Hogwarts, Draco?" I asked him.
"Yes, I'M going to be in Slytherin. Which house do you want to be in?" He asked.
"Slytherin." I replied without hesitation. "My parents want me to be in Ravenclaw, but I don't want to be." Draco opened his mouth to say something, but Madame Malkin interrupted.
"You're both done, dearies!" She said.
"See you at school, Draco!" I shouted to him, glad to have made a new friend.
I head to the other shops to buy the rest of my equipment. Finally, I get to Ollivander's, the most exciting part. I step into the shop, and breathe in the scent of musty boxes. I can physically feel the magic radiating from the wands. Ollivander steps up to the counter.
"Esmeralda Jacobs, yes?" He says. "I remember selling your father's wand. Yew, 13 1/2 inches, dragon's heartstring." A bitter look appears on his face. "Your mother, however, favoured a French wand, sold by my friend Clarissa. I believe it was chestnut, 11 inches, core of thestral wing." I just stare at him. He hands me a wand. I wave it, and his glasses break. He shakes his head furiously, and hands me wand after wand, none of them working. Finally, he hands me a jet black wand, shaking as he hands it over, like he doesn't want to touch it. It's beautiful, jet black, with a black snake curved around the handle. It has an emerald for its eye.
"That one is black oak, 14 inches, with a core of snake scale. It's an Indian import. It is rather curious that you are destined for this wand. This wand once had a twin. It is curious, because it's twin was sold to notorious Death Eater, Barty Crouch Junior." I gasped. I have the same wand as a Death Eater? I handed over 9 Galleons, and left the shop, rather shaken.
Only one more thing to do. As a birthday present, Father is buying me a pet to take with me. I step into the shop, and look around in awe. I immediately decide to get an owl; the most useful pet. I look around, wanting the most perfect pet possible.
As soon as I set eyes on her, I know she's the one. She has jet black feathers that match my wand and eyes like a pool of melting gold. I stand there, mesmerised by the owl's beauty, and decide I must have her. Father pays 16 Galleons, and I leave the shop with my beautiful owl in her golden cage.
It's only after I leave the shop, when I look into her eyes that I decide a name.
"Welcome to the family, Venus!"

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