Lost Battle Wounds

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I need you to hear me

to somehow respond.

Give me a gunshot

or nothing at all.

Bodies underground

rise above the soil

let your spirit free.

You are the soldiers

that always fought for me.

75 men killed for no reason at all.

The hatred of man conquered your fall

Confederate or Union?

Yes, it means everything.

Four hours long, bloody and cruel.

Trench graves are all that remains

the haunting place for troubled ghouls.

Hear us now as WE fight for YOU.

A shot fired for all persons,

who risked their life for what they believe in.

For those who followed sinful leaders,

all for one and none for all.

I weave the story in universal language.

Respect for your loss

and all you have given.

Please reconcile the souls of the living.

Be not afraid for it is not

worth what you may have thought.

Tell me is there a God up there?

Who respects what you did, who you killed,

the loss you prepared to give?

Or does he still believe, if he exists

that he is the thing of total perfection.

Strayed from the path of total enlightment,

are you where you deserve?

Or exiled to an earth unlike your own.

Heros of mine, are you aware of the dilemma?

Or are your battle wounds lost

stripped from you, a badge of shame.





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2011 ⏰

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