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It was dark outside but I could still make out the figure standing just at the bottom of the hill. Blood covered his clothes and the dagger in his hand. The lifeless body of  a man lay underneath him. He looked up from the body just as the streetlamps came on, although it didn't provide much more light as the blubs were almost worn out. and then as if on purpose a one of the burn out  bulbs came back to life just long enough for me to make out his face . Time sort of seemed to slow.

His face.It was oddly familiar to mine , we had the same dark brown hair that was closer to black and grey-blue eyes that looked different depending on the lighting. I let out a gasp. I know I should have kept my mouth shut but after months of having dreams and never seeing his face until now I couldn't stop myself. he looked up in my direction and started walking up the hill.  As soon as he got to the top I instinctively stood up. I don't know why , maybe in my subconscious it thought that I might be able to run or fend him off,but I did it anyway .

He stopped right in front of me and I couldn't help but look up at his face, but in doing so he caught my eyes and said the word "Victoria". How did he know my name? although what happen next shocked me more. At first it came out is a whisper and then louder and then I woke up screaming his name "Christopher 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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