Hide n' Seek || One (Not chapters)

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It had been 3 months since the dragonets had the fulfilled the false prophesy and ended the war. Since then, they had started to make real progress on their new school in the jade mountains, and each of them were excitedly getting ready to teach their first classes that morning. That is, all except Glory who was less than enthusiastic as she started off her day. That morning she was to head straight to the Tree house where she had her daily audience with petitioners and then discuss and continue to work on how the Nightwings were settling in with the Rainwings. Once they had filled out and started to look and feel a bit healthier it was up to Glory to figure out how to compromise on how the two tribe's daily lives would be able to play out within the village. Knowing she would have a long day ahead of her, Glory spread her wings and took off into the rain forest hoping to get her audience over with as fast as possible and be able to fit in some time with her friends.

"These late nights and early mornings are seriously going to kill me one of these days…" Grumbled glory as she maneuvered her way through the thick bush. Hoping to get her mind off the stress of being a queen, for once she decided to let herself slow down and enjoy the extravagant scenery surrounding her.

She sighed as she took it all in.

Thousands of trees as tall as mountains towered around her as if watching over all that called the rain forest their home, within this millions of flowers of every shape, size and colour were in full bloom and grew off of anything and everything they could attach themselves to. Hiding throughout all of the plant life, animals of all descriptions and species sang to the top of their lungs as they welcomed a new day. From the birds and monkeys that thrived in the tree tops, to the armies of insects below and all other creatures in between each level of the forest seemed to have its own melody.

As Glory continued on her way she suddenly heard a familiar warble coming from above her. Unfortunately though as she tilted her head up to investigate she was momentarily blinded by a chattering ball of silver fur dropping onto her face, this causing her to fly straight into a tree and plummet to the forest floor. As she got up recognition finally hit her as she was greeted with the smiling face of her sloth. "Silver! I thought I left you back in the village" she grumbled as silver crawled to her usual seat on her neck, Glory couldn't help but smile. "Why can't I stay mad at something as silly as this little ball of fur?" She wondered. As Glory was about to continue on her way though, a thought occurred to her.

"Wait a second, I DID leave you back at the village, and there's no way you could have crawled here that fast, someone brought you here!"

"Your right, funny that isn't it?" said a voice from behind her

Glory whipped around to glare the dragon behind her, already fully aware of who it was, as her eyes met the familiar wiry smirk of Deathbringer.

"I thought I told you to quit stalking me"

"And I thought I told you that this isn't stalking, it's protecting" he retorted.

"You know that I'm perfecting capable of looking out for myself, three moons I can do a lot more than you can AND THEN SOME, so I don't need a bodyguard thank you very much" She said rather indignantly.

"I beg to differ, if we look back on our score board I'm pretty sure that I won the whole 'who's-saved-who-more' tally, plus every queen has guards to watch her back and protect her".

She sighed with an extremely irritated glare on her face, knowing that last comment just lost her the argument.

"Fine then how about we strike a deal?"

"I'm listening"

"Why don't we play a little game of hide-and-seek, as you were an assassin you should be good at hunting for your targets. I'll hide throughout the rain forest for the remainder of the day and you have to find me before sundown. If you do manage to find me in time we fight till one of us manages to pin the other, the one who pins the other is the winner. If I win you have to stop following me everywhere as it proves I can take care of myself." She explained diplomatically.

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