levin x reader (MCD)

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Firstly stuff ya need to know
Y/n - your name

Brought you be me and Lil_Squid

Hi I'm y/n and I am a guard in phoenix drop, I serve and protect lord Levin in anyway I can (wink wink nudge nudge Lil_Squid)

I was in the old guard tower with Garroth and Laurance they were talking so I left them alone and I walked over the the edge of the guard tower to look out upon phoenix drop, Garroth and Laurance stopped and came over to me and asked if I have a crush, I blushed slightly and nodded

They both looked at me and in unison and said "Who!"
I replied "why should I tell you?"
Garroth was the first to respond with
"Cause then u maybe able to get him"
I looked them both in the eye and sighed
"Fine I will tell you"
"So who is he?" Laurance demanded
"It's Levin" I said with a heavy heart
Laurance and Garroth just stood in shock
I then ran out of the old guard tower and towards phoenix drop that is when I bumped into someone I didn't want to see I looked up only to see it's was Lord Levin he picked me up off the ground and took me to his house and sat me on the sofa and asked me what I had been running from, I shook my head and said "it doesn't matter" Levin scooted closer to me and hugged me, I began to blush
Levin then let go and said to me "y/n I have feelings for you and I didn't know how to confess them to you until now" I turned to home and said "I love you"
Then all of a sudden Levin kissed me and I kissed back

Levin pulled away from the passionate kiss and said "let's take this upstairs shall we"

I nodded in agreement and with that he picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs and lay be on his bed

We began to make out and then I felt Levin's hand take off my armour an it fell away Levin then moved his attention to my neck kissing it while trying to find my sweet spot and when he did I moaned in pleasure

Levin then moved his right hand down to the hem of my T-shirt and took it off I covered up my breasts (I don't think bras were invented in those time so yeah continuing on)
Levin smiled as said "don't hide your beautiful body from me"
Y/n uncovered her breasts slowly and Levin then began sucking on the left breast making y/n moan loudly he gave the same treatment to both breasts then moved down to the hem of her shorts and took them off with her panties

She looked at me an said "That's not fair you got clothes on"

She did have a point so I took my shirt off to revel a 6 pack I then removed my pants but left my boxers she started at me in awe, I then removed my boxers to reveal a 7 inch member and after about 10seconds of staring at each other I positioned myself at her entrance and thrusted in, y/n screamed in pain as I didn't know she was a virgin I kissed her and said "it will go away soon" and after a few minutes she nodded and I began to thrust in and out and very time y/n moaned my name a went faster she then began to say "i-im g-gonna cum" and she came on my member then I released my seed into her and pulled out we ended up sleeping together that night

1month later - don't read if ya get emotional

I called for lord Levin as we were being attacked, he ran over to join in the fight against some shadow souls he killed a few shadow souls then he was stabbed by a one and he fell to the ground bleeding, I rushed to his side and held him tightly in my arms, all the shadow souls had disappeared and it was just me, Garroth and Laurance and Dante and lord Levin who was lying on the ground dying I raised his hand and caressed my cheek and said "I love you y/n" I replied with "I'm pregnant with our child" and with that he slipped away I began to cry and the boys stared in disbelief that I with pregnant with Levin's child, they tried to take Levin from me but I would let them touch him so for days I sat with Levin's lifeless body as the boys prepared a nice grave for him

A few days later
Levin had been buried and I had a baby and future lord to take care the one thing I promised myself was that I was going to raise this baby to be just like his father

8 months later

"Y/n try be calm" Zoey said as I was giving birth to my baby

"Zoey how can I be calm im having a baby" I screamed

A few minutes later I could her crying of a new born infant zoey looked at me then said "it's a girl" but then I got a sharp pain in my stomach zoey handed the baby girl to Aphmau and then after a few minutes another baby was born this time a boy

Aphmau cane and showed me my baby girl while zoey placed my baby boy in my arms

Zoey and aphmau looked at me and said what are you going to call them

I looked at them both and said "well the boy Levin jr and the girl Luna"

"Wonderful names y/n" Aphmau and zoey said

A few months later
I was looking after the Levin jr and Luna when I hear a knock at the door it was Garroth he came in and kissed me there and then, that's when I realised I had feelings for Garroth

Garroth moved in later that week and we became boyfriend and girlfriend and I looked down at Levin jr and Luna and smiled as said "looks like you got a new dad who will love just as much as your father did"

And they all live happily ever after
The end

1065 words
Ps - Thanks for the dramatic death scene Lil_Squid

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