New Year

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The whole gang were celebrating the end of the year with a party.
1 hour until the New Year. Everyone was excited. The music was blasting and the lights were glowing.
Mark, Amy, Wade and Molly were getting the champagne glasses, Bob and Mandy were chatting in the corner, Felix and Marzia were dancing and Sean and Signe were cuddled up on a chair watching the commotion surrounding them.
"Come on everyone! Let's dance!"
10 minutes to go.
Everyone surrounds the TV watching the broadcaster talk about the past year.
Drinks were being passed around and the couples stood beside each other waiting in anticipation for the countdown.
"How's everyone feeling about next year?" Molly asks.
"Excited, but also terrified" Wade replies. Everyone laughs.
Sean turns his head to Signe and kisses her on the temple, his arm around her waist. Signe turns towards Sean and smiles at him.
"Hey! None of that until the clock hits 12!" Felix shouts.
Signe blushes and leans into Sean's embrace.
Everyone awes.
"One more minute everyone!" the broadcaster announces.
"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"
Everyone starts to share hugs and kisses with one another.
Sean turns to Signe and wraps his arms around her waist. He leans in and softly kisses her. Signe's arms wrap tighter around Sean's neck as they smile into the kiss.
They lean their foreheads together and look into each other's eyes forgetting everything that's happening around them.
After a few moments Sean moves to kiss Signe's nose. Signe giggles and kisses Sean's nose too.
"Happy New Year beb" Signe smiles.
"Happy New Year you cutie" Jack grins.
They rejoin the group to celebrate the past year and the new year.

I dunno, I just decided to write. hope this was alright :)
and I hope you enjoyed <3

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