Someone locked the door!

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Hay who locked the door you shout as you are pounding on the now lock door. (Me: you have to stay here with eddy for a day. Ok?). You sigh, ok, but what do we do? (Me: I dunno just figure something out. Ok bye see you Tommarow.). Eddy: ok since we're stuck here, what can we do (eddy says rolling his eyes). you: hmmm.... What can we do.. We can try to make a scam because I here'd that's what you like to do. Eddy: I like you already (eddy's eyes beaming with excitement). You blush but turn your face around so eddy wouldn't see. Eddy: ok so what scam are we gonna trick these suckers into buying!(eddy's eyes turn into money stumbles,) you: since we're stuck we could toon into everyone's tv and make your own show and to watch it would cost 1 buck, how's that sound. Eddy: I love it! You: Let's get started!

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