Part 1- Today marks a year hyung.

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" Tae🚮:Today marks a year hyung.
Tae🚮:Where are you? "

A single lamp was lit in the corner of Namjoon's fairly dark room, him sitting at the desk the light was placed on. The pink haired boy crumpled the paper he was writing on and threw it over his shoulder into a pile. Frustration filled his body as he slammed his head onto the desk. He moved his fingers through his soft locks and let tears stream down his cheeks in defeat. His shoulders shook as he thought about his old best friend, and how countless hours of doing various research could never bring them back together. He remembers making fun of the boy for his various Mario games and pink sweaters, resulting in multiple hits in the head and laughs. But he also remembers the day Jin was reported missing. The day he devoted his youth to finding his friend ,or, at least thought he would devote it. He had done all the research he could, checking all of Jin's favorite places, calling all his favorite restaurants, looking at all the places Jin hoped to go, and even trying to track his phone. However, Namjoon now felt ultimate defeat as he checked off the last possible place on his shrinking list. Countless hours spent at the desk, sad nights spent wrapped up in Jin's sweaters that still smelt like him, and the burden of trying to keep his friends happy week by week all for nothing.
Kim Namjoon ultimately gave up.

Yoongi wiped sweat off his forehead as he placed 5 plates of chicken and mashed potatoes on the kitchen counter, wiping his hands on his jeans.
"Food's ready!" He yelled as loud as he could, starting to put the dishes in the sink. He watched as one by one the boys piled out all but Namjoon, taking their food with quiet, or no, thank you. Ever since last year, the mint boy had taken the responsibility of the 'mother' in place of Jin. The oldest male used to cook food for his friends every night, and wanted to be a chef when he grew up. But with him gone, Yoongi's Google-search cooking would have to do. When he finished the dishes and turned off the sink, the boy grabbed his dinner (left overs from last night) from the fridge. He never cooked for himself, he was more worried about his friends having home cooked fresh meals. 'Suga' thought about his favorite meals Jin used to cook for him, and how the older male would sing while he did so. He wished the boy would come back and sing some more and make him soup and let him rest. But sadly, Yoongi was beginning to loose hope in him ever returning. The best he could do now was look for recipes Jin would write down and keep in his desk drawer and try his best to provide his best for his friends. Suddenly, breaking him out of thought, Namjoon's voice spoke up.
"Um hyung?"
Suga turned around to see his friend poking the chicken with a fork.
"This isn't cooked."
And with that, the boy dropped to the ground in defeat with his head in his knees, yelling loudly out of frustration. Things would never get better around here. He could never be like SeokJin.
Min Yoongi gave up.

Walking along the crowded street, Hoseok struggled to keep the bag of drugstore items close to his body. His hood was up and he looked around at the couples huddled up together in the cold weather. Suddenly he had a flashbacks of the same street, two winters ago. Today was the day, after all, Jin had gone missing, so the only flashbacks in his head were ones of his older friend. He remembers ice skating in town square and being huddled against his side for warmth. He remembers holding onto his arm so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd. He remembers sitting on the park bench and challenging him to Mario kart. He remembers-
"You need to fucking walk to get places kid!"
A deep voice broke Hoseok out of his thoughts. He suddenly realized he was standing still on the pavement and was blocking many people from moving, so he quickly apologized and kept going down the path of memories. Once he arrived home, the boy threw the bag down and rushed to the bathroom, locking the door and sitting on the floor against the tub. He let his head go back and felt his black hair get pushed off his forehead. He truly didn't believe he would get any of those memories back. There was no where else to search for SeokJin, and he didn't want to look anymore. He wanted to forget about the older male and think of today as no other day but a Saturday. But sadly, today wasn't just a Saturday. It was the 10th of December, the 1st full year of no Jin. And Hoseok didn't think that would ever change.
Jung Hoseok officially gave up.

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