Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and an airplane landing in the airport. It looked as if it was a very funky private jet. I stretched my arms out and yawned as I heard my small bones crack back into place. Magpies were starting to take over my tree, so I started my daily routine.

Grabbing one of the leaves, I made sure that is had no holes in it then jumped off the tree branch, using the leaf as a parachute. It was much easier than climbing back down the tree, and was way more fun! Once my small feet reached the ground, I sprung into action.

I tip-toed over to the edge of the pond, (yeah I had lost my high heals ages ago trying to knock down an apple from a tree) and stared at my reflection. I took my tiny dress off, still wearing my bra and undies and dipped my foot into the water. It was warm. I washed my hair and the rest of my body, then I combed out my dirty blonde locks with my fingers. I popped my little floral dress back on and decided to go for a walk.

The air port was quiet at this time of the morning, so I wasn't worried about being caught by anyone. As I made my way through the long grass, I heard a soft slithering sound. My curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to explore.

I followed the sound and was led to a large hole, it looked like a cave. Something inside of me was telling me to turn around and forget about it, but I was just too curious.

As I got deeper into the hole, it got darker, until I could no longer see anymore. My hand felt something smooth and slimy, a few seconds later, my gaze met two very large yellow eyes.

I sprinted back up and out of the hole, my fingers clawing at the dirt and mud. Once I saw day light, I continued to run. I ran and ran. I ran past sticks and rocks and many dead leaves, not even turning around to see if the 'thing' was coming after me.

What even was it? Was it going to hurt me?

I felt my foot hit something hard, and my face fall onto what felt like pavement. I raised my head to see a very large person staring back down at me.

He lifted he's sunglasses to reveal two stunning blue eyes, than everything went black...

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