New day

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"COOOOORRRRAAAAA," is all I hear before my body hit the floor with a thud. In shock, a manly smell of old spice overcame me. I knew that smell and voice. "Cora, I slept with Diana. I'm now high on the charts. Final five, here I am," Shepard Ray Dennis said, sitting on me. I stared at him blankly, only one question behind my eyes.
"Why did you just barge into my house, tackle me to ground, and sit on me with your big ass?" I squinted up at him, beginning to feel his dead weight on my lap.
"'Cause, I live across the street?"
​​​​ "That's not a valid reason."
"Kinda is, but, Cora. This was urgent! I slept with Diana Redmen!"
"As in, the last virgin," I start before the rest of my speech became a mutter,"other than me."
"Yup," Shepard exclaimed as he lifted his heavy athletic ass off of me. He held his hand out and I grabbed it, pulling myself up. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the house.
Next thing I know... BANG! I was tackled again. Levin Pierce, Of course. "Someone slept with Diana Redmen before me," he yelled, his nose to mine.
"Nice to see you too." I stare up at the ceiling, breathing manually from the crazy tackles I'm enduring. Shepard looked nervous, whistling and avoiding eye contact with his competitor and close friend, Levin.
Levin side eyes Shepard, not removing his nose from mine before his gaze continued deep into my soul.
"Why was he in your house? Alone with you, Core?"
"He slept with-," I was cut off by a hand being placed over my mouth. I look to my right to discover Shepard had joined us, bent over and a few inches from my face. Levin looked suspiciously at the space between Shepard and my faces.
"You didn't... Shepard.. I'm gonna kill you,"
​​​​​​Levin yelled before hopping off of me and pouncing onto Shepard.​​​​​​ His fist about to make contact to Shep's face, my lack of popcorn and senses of being a bad friend if I didn't stop this, I yelled, "Levin Anthony Pierce! Shepard did not touch me!"
He lowered his hand and gave me a sigh of relief. He allowed himself to fall over next to Shepard. They looked at each other with a smile. I snapped a picture of them and looked at it as we laid in a row.
"Cutest couple award! Hashtag: Lepard! I ship it so hard!"
"Yeah, I ship it like the titanic, sinking and only room for one on the door,"Shepard chimed in adding a fake gag.
We collect ourselves off of the floor. "What are you gagging on, Shepard? Levin's d-" before I could finish, I, once again, end up on the floor. Tackled for the third time and frustrated, I looked up at the culprit. I should've known from the victoria secret perfume and gorgeous dirty blonde locks in my face. My best friend and shopping companion is at fault. I move her hair behind her ear and grab her face with both hands. "What is up with you guys today!" I whisper yelled.
"That was just for fun," Jasmine smiled and kissed my forehead. She looked over to the boys. "Shevin, I love it!"
"I was thinking Lepard. Shevin sounds dirty."
"May be a virgin, but your mind isn't," Levin decided to chime in, shaking Shepard's hand.
"Shove it, Levin," I rolled my eyes.
"That's what she said," Shep laughed out. Jasmine and Levin joining in on the laughter. I roll my eyes with spite. Jasmine lifted her petite body off of me, reaching a hand out to help me up. I analyze everyone's outfits before realizing the boys and I were still in our sleep attire while Jasmine was in her cheer uniform. I look at the clock on the living room TV; it's six in the morning. My mother is at work and father overseas. I pointed at the time, everyone giving an 'Oh' before leaving. I dragged myself upstairs and into the bathroom. I stood in front of the sink, removing my clothes before analyzing every inch of the body in the mirror. Letting out a sigh, I rush into the shower, not happy with the sight.
I hopped out of the shower, brush my teeth and hair, throwing my long red hair into space buns for the day. I put on a plain white crop top, black cargo pants, and white vans with my friends' signatures on them. I grabbed a banana and my backpack from the hook next to the door.
Before I could reach for the door knob, my front door swings open to reveal Levin in an outfit matching mine. "Get your ass into my car before we're late again," Levin yells before snatching my backpack, barely missing Shepard who stood close behind him, calmly texting away. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, dad. Gosh! You can't control my life," I fake an attitude, stomping pass the boys, straight to the car. I got into Levin's passenger seat and threw on a fake frown.
Shepard walked over to me and opened MY passenger door,"I was gonna sit there..."
Although he was stern, I wasn't going to back down. "Oh well, I was here first."
Shepard fixed his mouth to retaliate instead he sighed, kissed my forehead, and buckled me in. I smiled as he closed my door before getting in the backseat.
"Next time you leave your front door wide open, I'm leaving it like that", Levin said, looking at me. I blew him a kiss. "Alright Levii-Poo", I smirked at him, knowing he hated that nickname.
"You're walking to school tomorrow," he rolled his eyes before moving his eyes between his phone and the road, changing music.
"Jokes on you, I get my motorcycle delivered tonight and it gets here in the morning!" I excitedly squealed out.
"You're taking me to school tomorrow, right, Coralii?" Shepard chimed in, finally taking his eyes off his phone
"That's all it takes for you to abandon me?" Levin wiped away a fake tear.
"Lepard-Slash-Shevin", I yelled in the car, grinning ear to ear.
We arrive to the school, Levin parking the closest to the building he could find. He came around, opening my car door while Shepard gathered his football gear from the trunk. Saying our goodbyes, I walked off to my locker alone, scrolling through Instagram. Diana's post is the first thing on my feed, her comments going crazy with love and jealousy. She was popular, but who knew messing with Shepard would give her more attention than she's used to.
I looked up from my phone to see Ryan Anderson leaning on the locker next to mine. I looked back down, continuing to scroll and avoided eye contact with the rich narcissist.
"Coraline! You're way cuter in person," looking at me head to toe, Ryan smirked, getting my name wrong.
"Ha, thanks. Why are you talking to me after five years of going to the same schools AND getting my name wrong," I started opening my locker, eyes fixated on the combination of numbers. "It's Coralii, by the way."
"No better time than the present," hid stupid smirk never leaving his face, his eyes stuck on my assets.
"You make no sense. Go away," I hissed, taking my history textbook and notebook out of my locker. I throw my backpack in my locker and slamming it shut.
"Playing hard to get, I like that," Ryan gave his final smirk, adding a wink, then taking his leave to his own class.
I get to my class to meet the eyes of what felt like every student in Mr. Florence's World History class. I take my seat between Shepard and Jasmine, Levin on the other side of Shepard.
"Is that her," a girl two rows behind us whispered to her friend close by.
"The tie breaker? Yes," Her friend replied.
I look puzzled at the boys,"the tie breaker?" They stared at their textbooks, avoiding eye contact, glancing at each other for a split second.
Mr. Florence started class so I was forced to drop it for the time being, but that didn't stop the whispering.

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