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Katie's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of a knock on my door. "Come in" I reply "Hey Katie" Joe responded "Good morning" I said while getting up from my comfortable ass bed and putting my hair in a messy bun. " Zoe left earlier this morning and is probably gonna be back at 3:00 p.m cause she has 2 meeting today" Joe replied. "Okay cool, well its just us alone with Nala i guess, cause Zoe tole me yesterday that Alfie is staying at a old friends house for a couple of days." I responded " Well i don't know about you but I'm starving so I'm gonna make breakfast, do you want anything?" Joe ask " Can i have blueberry pancakes with Scrambled eggs with bacon please!!!! I ask while begging "Yea i will have the same thing then cause i was just gonna have some toast with butter."Joe replied with a little chuckle. "Well ill be here taking a shower and getting ready, hey maybe we can go out to the park today with Nala." I asked with a little wink " Yea sure" Joe responded while blushing. When Joe left i put my Spotify on and blasting music and making my bed.When i was done making my bed i was setting out my outfit, when i was finished setting out my outfit i always set out my lotion and perfume. I went to the bathroom and took off my pajamas and went into the shower . When i finished showering i went to my room and put on my clothes.

When i finished putting on my outfit i went downstairs to see if Joe was done with breakfast

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When i finished putting on my outfit i went downstairs to see if Joe was done with breakfast. "Hello Joseph is breakfast almost done?" I ask " Yup i just need to finish with the bacon" He responded. When he finished his sentence i got a text from Zoe


Hey! Remember what I told you, tell Joe that we will meet up somewhere so he better dress up well!


Okay, but I'm scared to tell him cause what if i get caught up in the moment and kiss him :/


I'm fine with you guys kissing i really ship you guys together


Alright, i'll tell him


"Wow Chef Sugg, what did you prepare for us today?" i ask Joe in a judgey voice. "Well i created Blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon with orange and apple juice" Joe replied acting like he was shy. " EWW this taste disgusting" i reply while spitting out my food " I'm so sorry Chef i didn't mean to disappoint you" Joe replied while fake crying " Well you did! SO GET OUT" I scream out while pointing to the door "I'm sorry chef" Joe responded while leaving with his head tilted down " Oh i can't help it come here Joseph" I said with my hands out. "I need help, i cant cook for crap" Joe responded and fake crying onto my shoulder. "Shhhhhh, it's okay" whispering into his ear. When he let go we just stared into each other's eyes. "you know you are really pretty Katie" Joe said " Thank you Joe you tell me this whenever i get ready to go out somewhere" I replied while looking at his beautiful green crystal eyes " We'll lets go eat" Joe responded " NO but to be honest this is some good ass food" I replied with a mouth full of pancakes and eggs and trying not to choke on it. " Thank you" Joe replied " Well i will be upstairs doing my makeup and you should get ready to go take Nala to the dog park." I replied "Okay but you have to do the dishes cause i made food" Joe responded " Alright deal" I replied. While i was walking up the stairs i look down and see little Nala walking by my feet. "Awww Nala is starting to like me." I yelled out so Joe can come and see " What happened to Nala" Joe screamed out while running and slipping to the floor "HAHAhAhAah" I responded while laughing and tears coming out of my eyes " Ow that hurt so bad" Joe replied " Alright get everything together and i will be upstairs with Nala doing my makeup" I replied. When i got upstairs i went to my makeup bench and started to do my makeup and Nala next to me. When i finished my makeup i took a snapchat so people can see what I'm doing today with Joe.

 When i finished my makeup i took a snapchat so people can see what I'm doing today with Joe

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Once i was done i grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket and put on my perfume. When i finished i ran downstairs and looked at the time 1:45 p.m. "Where is Joe?" i ask myself "He's right her" Joe responded while i turned around "Oh hey Joe, you look fancy for just taking Nala on a walk" I said while smiling and turning red "Thanks you look beautiful as always' joe responded while walking closer to me and putting his arms around my waist "Oh by the way umm Zoe wants us to meet her at dinner later to-" I got cut off my Joe's soft lips on mine. " Joe, why did you-" I got cut off again by Joe " i just want to tell you that you are beautiful and i want you to be mine" Joe responded " Joe i don't know what to say" I responded " Just say yes, and wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" Joe responded.


Joe's P.O.V

Once i got finished getting ready i was trying to find where Katie was and i found her cuddled up and chiffering cause she was so cold. "Hey Katie wake up we have to walk Nala" I said while shaking Katie a little. While i look at her face i can see her cheeks were really bight red and she was puckering her lips "what were you dreaming about?" I ask while moving next to her "I was dreaming about Dylen O'brian's face" She replied while pushing herself up "Well i have no idea who Dylan O'brian is" I respond "He's super cute, super marriage material" She replied while looking at me "Okay he is marriage material" I said in my head "So are we gonna walk Nala or what?" Katie ask "yea let's go" I replied. When we were walking to the park i was just trying to make Katie laugh,"Oh by the way Zoe wants to go out to dinner later today, she said she will meet us up there" Katie said while looking at the ground "Okay thats cool" I respond "So what do you like to do on your spare time" I ask Katie "Well i love dancing and i would love to own my own dance studio" She replied "Well maybe i can make that dream come true" I replied with a wink "Thank you!" she screamed out while hugging me, when we stopped the hug i looked into her beautiful blue eyes and we both puckered our lips together and i can feel sparks flying when our lips touched its like we were meant to be together. Once our lips stopped touching i looked into her eyes "Joe, what are we doing?" Katie ask me "what do you mean?" i respond "Why did we kiss, i mean we can't" Katie responded while looking at Nala "Why can't we?" I responded while lifting her head with my fingers "Cause of Zoe, we don't know if she is comfortable with her brother and her best friend dating" She replied "But i like you, a lot" I replied. It felt like i just messed up and she doesn't even like me "Do you like me?" I ask Katie "Why do you care?" She responded while looking at me "Cause i just want to know the truth" I respond while walking close to her "Yes Joe i do like you, i liked you when i first laid eyes on you" Katie replied with a tear coming out of her eye "What's wrong" I ask and pushing her into my chest "It's just the last boyfriend i had did the same thing that you just did and then he, he umm never mind" She responded with tears just keep on coming out of her eyes "Just tell me" i respond "I can't" She replied with a crack in her voice. 

To be continued...

Hey guys! thank you for reading this story, it's longer than my other chapter's hope you like the story!


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