Fun Song Just Because

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Hey guys! I just heard this song and I knew it was perfect for my favorite pair, and I wanted to end the story on a happy note even though the story itself ended on a happy note. WHATEVER. You can never have too much cool music.

Many thanks to reducios for letting me write this fanfiction. If you haven't already, check out my other work in progress called You and Me, As One. And please remember to leave comments and votes. I'm not a mind reader, although it would be kind of cool if I was, and if no one says anything about the story, I don't know if I did good or not.

Anyway, thanks for indulging me through these three chapters, and I really hope you enjoyed it—wait. I just realized something.


For those of you who know me really well, you know that it is nearly impossible for me to finish a work, but holy cow, I just did! I seriously can't believe it! This is really cool!

I'm rambling again. I'll let you get back to the video now. Enjoy!

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