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I'm back assholes!
So I been thinking.


Me and mama Mcall broke it off 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

She's with sheriff now

but it's chill cause they is otp as fuck.

I'm still dead.

I still want to FÜCK the shit out of milk.

but apart from that I've been chilling, i fought a couple of crocs


the shoes not the animal fuck you thought.

Crawled my way to Lydia's house.

It was lit almost died tho

but I will see you next year I'm out!

not really just like that Anna kendrick song ' you're gonna miss me when I'm gone'

I won't leave just to spare your feelings.


In this segment I was channeling my inner fuck boy. This ad was brought to you by the fucker who made magcon

Foetus in love •  mama Mcall Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora