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"FREEZE!" I heard a cop say.
"Put your hands where I could see them. Don't try anything stupid."
I knew that voice. It was Sam. She had about 4 other cops but I didn't care about them. I didn't bother turn around because if she saw my face like this she would freak and arrest herself. Just kidding it wouldn't be that bad but it wouldn't be good. Not you guys." She said to me and Delilah. "
Mrs. Rodriguez. You are under arrest for kidnapping, assault. And rape."
No way! I knew it! She had something to do with it.
"Don't what me put your hands behind your back!"
Who called the cops? I thought. Then my mom walked in and I knew right away.
"Mom how did you know she did it?"
"Oh josh spilled it all out. He said if he was gonna go down she was going down with him." My mom chuckled.
"How did you find him?" I was quite surprised.
"Well I was already telling Sam where we were and what you were doing so she called back up and got here. She waited until bad happened because she had a feeling it was her too. Then we saw Josh and some guys with black mask sneak out the side door. Then she and the other cops took 'em down and made Josh spill everything."
"Wow, I- I can't believe she would have her own daughter go through that."
"She wasn't the best person out there." I heard Delilah say behind me as she watched her mother be taken away.
"Fuck You! FUCK ALL OF YOU!" Delilah's mom yelled as he dragged her away.
"You have he right to remain silent anything you say or do will be held against you in the court of law." Sam said as she smile at me. But I kept my head down.
"Yeah yeah, fuck the law." Delilah's one else called mother said. What was she thinking. She's just making matters worse.
"Tell that to the judge." One cop said. As he chuckled.
They all left with men and a woman in the back of their cars.
"Well now that, that's taken care of-"
Delilah ran up to my mother and hugged her tightly.
"Thank you so much! I don't know how to make it up to you." She was thanking my mom for calling the police on her mom. Yeah typically you wouldn't thank someone for that but in this situation it was perfectly fine.
"It's the least I could do. And you don't need to make it up to me. Just be safe." My mom said.
We all went in the car and drive home. When we got in the house Delilah held her stomach and ran to the bathroom. She was throwing up. I ran behind her and held her hair while I rubbed her back.
"Oh my gosh. Delilah honey are you okay? My mom said as she put a hand on her shoulder.
"Y-yeah I'm fine. I just feel a bit sick." She said. She stood up and washed her mouth.
"Come upstairs, you might have a fever." I said as I felt her forehead. It was burning up.
She layer in bed and fell fast asleep. We scheduled a doctors appointment to make sure everything was okay. It was almost time for me to go to bed anyway. I think today I'll skip my walk. Although I loved retracing the steps that led to my first kiss with Delilah. I went to check my cut on my thigh and it was pretty bad, and deep. But it was patched up so Josh may have cared a bit to patch it up. But he still cut me in the first place. My lip had almost recovered but the gash above my eye was going to take some time. I took a shower carefully not trying to hurt myself with the water and soap. I got out the shower quickly because the appointment was early. I snuggled up into Delilah because I was scared. She wrapped her arm around me and we fell asleep.

I was walking down the street when I guy in a blue FORD pulled up to me.
"Hey beautiful, need a ride?"
"No thank you, we're just taking a walk." I said. I was with Delilah so that's why I said "we're".
"Oh come on. We don't bite"
"Maybe just a little one guy in the back yelled."
"I'm good. Thank you." Then I turned and started walking again.
"Hey bitch!" He called for me I turned ready to call him something back when he rolled down the windows and they all pulled out guns. They all pulled the trigger!

(Gasps) I quickly lifted my body so I was sitting in the bed. Shit! I woke Delilah up.
"What's wrong babe?"
"Oh- nothing I just had a nightmare."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"No we need our sleep. You have a doctors appointment tomorrow. We can chat about it another time." I said
"Okay. And why do I have a doctors appointment?"
"Because you may have a fever. Do we need to get you prescriptions." I don't know why she didn't know this, I mean she's been alive for 19 years. Doesn't she pay attention.
"Oh right. Okay goodnight babe! Love you"
"Love you too shortie."
Then we went right back to sleep.

A/N s
So this definitely wasn't one of my best chapters. I was having some writers block and I took like the whole day to write this. Comment on what you thought about the chapters and/or the upcoming chapters. I'm trying to stick with 15 chapters but we'll see what happens. So 5 chapters left. 😬🤗

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