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 "I like vacuums, I like efficiency, so I bought a dozen mini vacuums." Marco rambled on to the three other high school students whom he was walking with. The two boys beside him nodded along to his rambling. While the girl - who was only a few feet ahead of them- began to hum, as she continued to skip merrily down the sidewalk.

"Star, are you ok?" Star immediately halted her skipping and silenced her humming, as she looked to her left, where a girl had begun to cross the street. Her intentions of closing the distance between the four of them were clear.

Star hurriedly nodded her head, wanting to comfort and reassure her concerned seeming friend, "Of course I'm okay!" Star exclaimed waving her wand for emphasis, " Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well," began the brown-eyed girl, her face painted into a look of mock concern, as she stepped up onto the sidewalk, "it just must have really hurt." Was the only explanation the girl gave as she made her way to Star's side, sticking her tongue out at the three boys, as she passed them.

"What must of hurt, Janna?" Star inquired, still unsure as to what the girl beside her could be referring to. As far as Star knew, she was perfectly fine, unless she had somehow managed to injure herself in this morning's monster fight without realizing.

Janna slung her arm around the blonde's bare shoulders, making sure to pull her close, knowing well that the magic wielder beside her had no complication with the physical contact she was initiating. Janna flashed Star her usual wide grin, any trace of concern was now gone from her expression.

"Well, Angel, I'm just saying that it must have hurt when you fell from heaven." Janna clarified, voice clear and confident. Brushing a lock of soft hair off the blonde's shoulder, Janna smirked triumphantly as she took notice of the color that was prettily painting the blonde's fair cheeks. Man she's adorable, Janna couldn't help but notice, though one of Janna's many problems, was that she never failed to notice Star's adorableness.

Willing the warmth in her cheeks to leave, Star ignored Marco's spluttering behind her, and without a second thought she opened her mouth, coming up with a quick reply on the spot, " If anything-" the flushed girl motioned to her red horns. "- I've climbed my way up from the underworld."

Janna let her arm fall from the magical girl's shoulders, her face was pulled together in a look of utter shock. It was obvious, that she clearly hadn't expected the adorable girl to respond. Though Janna quickly snapped out of her shocked dazed as she noticed- with a tinge disappointment -that the dazzling blush that had painted the princess before her was now gone. With no intentions of letting her work stay undone, Janna's face split into a wide grin, already imaging Star's reaction to what the brunette was about to do.

Leaning close, as though for a kiss, Janna lightly poked Star's fluffy cheek- causing her face to once again erupt into flames- before reaching out, slightly adjusting Star's horned headband, Janna place a light kiss on one of her horns before leaning away with a seemingly casual, "That must be, why you're so hot."

To Janna's extreme pleasure, and to Marco's ever growing surprise, Star seemed to be frozen. Her blue eyes were impossibly wide, cheeks obviously flushed, one hand tightly pressed against the cheek that Janna had playfully poked, seconds before.

After several long moments, in which Star had not moved, Marco growing concerned stepped forward and reached his hand out towards her, "Star?" He began worriedly, "Are you okay?"

In the blink of an eye, Star seemed to snap out of whatever trance she had been under. Her blush now gone Star grabbed Marco's hand, beginning to walk away, and dragging three confused teenage boys with her.

Once she felt she had put enough distance between the two of them, Star whirled around- nearly knocking Marco over -and making eye contact with the brunette who still stood in the middle of the sidewalk, her face decorated with a thin lipped smug smile and raised eyebrows. Silently questioning Star's actions.

With a confident smile, the princess from another dimension, spoke, " Tell me, Janna did it hurt-" the brunette in front of her scoffed, she couldn't honestly be thinking of repeating the earlier line, "-when you fell for me?" With a wink and two hearts glowing a faint purple, Star turned herself around and continued her journey home. Taking three undeniably impressed teenage boys with her, and leaving a flushed stuttering brown-eyed girl behind.

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