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{I highly recommend reading the description, because it says everything you need to know}
Y/n POV•
I'm running as fast as I can from my house that was caught on fire, I see my step brothers all going one way but im going another. I should've followed them, but it was only 10 back then..
•you and Vylad are playing in the back yard, while your step mother, Zianna is arguing with her husband Garte. You climb on Vylads back and pretended he was a unicorn (Vylad was at least 12, so he could carry you ;)} All you remember seeing is the house very shiny with lots of fire. Zianna is telling you and your brothers to run, and you do, you go to the right while your brothers go to the left. You've spend most of your life with a shack and hunting and looking for villages•
When you were walking you came across a village named "Phoenix Drop" a guy by a tree looks somewhat familiar to you, he had Chocolate brown hair and dark green eyes,
???: Hey there welcome to Phoenix Drop I see your new here---
•You realize it's Vylad, he has always treated you more than a sister•
Y/n: V-VYLAD! *tears start rolling down your cheeks*
Vylad: Y/n!!!!!
*he picks you up what seems like forever and hugs you*
•You still couldn't believe that he was here•
Y/n: V-Vylad..I..I..I missed you so much..*you start crying on his chest* please don't ever leave me again..
Vylad: *blush* I..I promise,

I promise,

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