Now I'm going to tell you how I lived my life after. Amber always cried when I saw my mom and dad. I watched my big sister live her life normal. I saw her get married and all the beautiful kids she had. I never grew up I was always 16 and my baby was always 1 day old. My mom and dad were always sad. I kept on seeing him my killer he always just showed up anywhere.
I wanted him to get out of my life he had already took my life from me and my baby. I just kept on screaming in my dreams. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I said. I just kept seeing my dad beat himself up because he couldn't figure out why I was gone. I saw this girl who told me I had to go to somewhere so that I could go into heaven. I saw my killer planing a trap for my sister. I never thought that would happen. I saw my killer get wood and make it, as my dad watched him not knowing he would kill his other daughter. I didn't know how many people he had killed but I thought it was a bunch.One day I saw my dad walk up to him and ask what the trap was for he just said a project. My dad was sad and never gave up on me but he needed a new hobby. He made stuff for Amber he had a bedroom with lots of stuff in it for Amber. He walked into the room and distroyed everything in the room. I couldn't stop crying that was everything he built for me and the baby. I never thought it would get this bad. My mom wouldn't even walk into the baby's room she said I was the worst child ever because I was pregnant. That was the last thing she said to me and that mad me sad. I will always remember that she said that to me.
The neighbor
RandomA girl named Amelia has been friend with her neighbor forever. She was 16 and 9 months pregnant. 〰if you want to find out more read below〰