Getting the tickets

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So I had just gotten back from the last Jingle Ball stop in 2016( that was amazing too I totally recommend it). It had been a few weeks since I had seen Shawn. He announces he is going on a world tour!!! I immediately go and check the stops. He make one stop -no for the world tour- in Orlando @Universal and it's free !!!!! Of course I was gonna go to that. I continue scrolling... And I see 2MORE STOPS IN FLORIDA!!!! It was either going to be Boca Raton of St. Augustine. I chose Boca Raton. I chose Boca because I love the area. Mario Selman lives around there- and a whole bunch of AMAZING people. It would be his first stop on a tour he will always remember.

After he announced the could pre order if you had already been a Shawn Access Member. Knowing of course I had that. I immediately went to my mum and she said maybe. So a few hours later...I go and get my dad. He says yes without me having to convince him. I had like a whole speech ready and he just right then and there he says YES. Amari of course screams and runs around her house like a maniac. After she stops fangirling...she calls and texts all her friends and fellow MENDES ARMY members. I sat there and stalked Shawn Instagram and Twitter waiting for him to say pre-sale was out. He announces it and it's around 12a.m. I run and get my dad. I thought he was gonna say lets sit in the back. I would have been okay with that because I've seen him before and I would still be in the same room as one of my husbands(****cough cough**** SHAWN MENDES).

So my dad says let's sit in front. What did I just here my father say??!!??!! DID HE JUST SAY WE COULD SIT IN FRONTTTTT!!!!!!!!! He got us 10th row. I thought I would still be a lil far. So we order the tickets..i have a heart attack. Then to top that off Shawn had posted a YouTube video. So I go like it and watch it. I go down and comment something. I don't really remember word for word but I said something like

"Hi Shawn... I know you may not read this but I love you and I'm so proud of you. You are so capable of achieving whatever you want if you put your heart into it. That's what I love about you. You always give it your all when you perform for us. You love all of your fans. You make us feel wanted and that's amazing. Your the definition of what every girl wants in a guy. I can't wait to see you in March and @ your first stop in the U.S for your tour. I love you. Bye"

I left that comment thinking he would never read it. I went to sleep that night. I woke up. I had a notification on my phone. It was from YouTube. SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES READ MY COMMENT AND LIKED IT HOLY SHOESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he doesn't know my name:(

My Shawn Mendes Experience: July 15th 2016Where stories live. Discover now