This is about a girl name Celes she is in the 11th grade there's this boy name lucas he is in the 12th he is the biggest thug of Miami read to find out for more
Celes pov On the phone with Ladana and Kyla L: yes girl it was so nice and he paid for everything K: I wish Dreadhead would do something like that for me C: girl he will but one thing did he ask you out girl L: yessss when I had woke up he wasn't next to me so I went downstairs and I went inside his kitchen and there were so much food around and he was on one knee and he ask me out * all the girls screaming* L: what the hell you screaming for C: shut up I call y'all later Both girls: ok C: what you want lil boy L: you He came over and stared to kiss my neck and rubbing up my thigh C: boy if you don't get off me we need to start this project L: later I want to take you out C: where
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L: it's a surprise now I brought us matching outfits C: we gonna be looking cute L: yea now go hurry up I got in the shower and got dress and curled my hair we go inside his one of his sports car he stared driving I can feel him looking at me couple times C: what you staring at L: you can't you dance? C: yea K: well you gonna have to dance for me when we get back C: sure We the pulled up to the movies He opened my door and we walked in hand in hand we got to the font and he got us tickets to see purge Hour later.... C: that was good L: yea C: now what L: we are going bowling Yay I love bowling it's fun and it makes me happy when we got there he paid for it I didn't stop him because once I did he pinched me so bad I stared to cry then he gave me my food and it made me happy again and We stared to play the game and he was beating my but C: you cheater L:: I'm not Cheating you just suck C: shut up 2 hours later..... We finally got done he beat me first game but I beat him the second game We headed back to his house and we changed and then went to sleep L: Baby C: yea L: remember we didn't like each other C: yea We stared to laugh L: glad we together C: me too Them soon we was asleep