5 | Coffee Shop

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 I yawned, covering my mouth as I did so. I pushed through the crowd of people on the sidewalk and walked into a local coffee shop. It was the morning after I had slept with Aerion. I asked him to drop me off home at seven the next morning. We didn't speak much but he thankfully agreed to drive me back to my apartment. I snuck inside and got dressed for work quietly as Blake and Ryan slept.

It was barely seven-thirty, the sky dark but not snowing at the moment. The white flakes had turned into slush, covering the sidewalks with an unappealing shade of brown. The long line made me sigh and pull my phone out. Ten minutes later, I was finally able to hold my regular order of a black coffee with sugar in my hands. I turned from the counter and bumped into someone, sending my coffee flying.

I shrieked, the hot beverage falling from my hands, splashing onto my shirt.

"I am so sorry!" the woman I bumped into exclaimed. All the customers looked in my direction but didn't make a move to help. The pain seared across my chest and I shoved past the crowd to the bathroom in the back. It was luckily empty. 

I ripped the buttons off my blouse, throwing my shirt on the ground. I blasted the faucet onto the coldest setting and splashed cold water onto my skin. The water didn't feel like it was helping at all. "Fuck!" I swore, patting the water on. Touching it sent small bursts of pain through my body.

"I saw what happened out there, are you okay, ma'am?" a man asked, poking his head into the bathroom stall. I looked at him through the mirror.

"I could use some help," I bit out, turning the water off. He entered and pulled some paper towels out of the dispenser. I faced him as he gently patted the water off my chest. I calmed my erratic breathing, letting myself focus on the gentlemen in front of me. "Thank you."

"It's no problem, really," he replied, his voice deep, a smile on his lips. He looked up to meet my eyes with a smile on his face. He was very attractive. Dark hair and a clean-shaven face. He trashed the towels, stepping back. "Your shirt is ruined, though."

 I followed his line of vision to the blouse that laid on the floor. I looked down, realizing that I was topless except my bra. My hands flew to cover my breasts, but the contact made me wince. "Do you know how to fix this?" I asked, turning my body to shield it from him.

"Aloe vera works miracles," he said. "But, not very accessible."

"What about ice?" I glanced to the side to watch him. 

His dark eyes narrowed then he shook his head. "No, that's no good. I think we should just put some more water on it then let it air out before putting your clothes back on," he recommended. I nodded, watching as he folded a paper towel, soaked it in cold water before gently pressing it onto the burned area.

"What's your name?" I asked, his hands working on the top of my cleavage. I wrapped my arms around my midsection. It was less awkward than I thought it was going to be as the man seemed polite and well-mannered.

"Alessandro. But I go by Ales," he replied. "And you?"

"Rosaline, but I go by Rose." I paused. "Don't you have something more important to attend to?" I inquired, furrowing my brows. 

He looked up, his lips quirking up to a smile that I was beginning to get familiar with. He turned the paper towel over, the cool side making contact with the skin. "What do you mean?"

"You know, something more important than helping a clumsy woman who spilled coffee all over herself?" I repeated.

"And miss out the chance of helping out said beautiful woman?" I blushed. "Nothing is more important than that."

"You certainly get to the point," I teased, grinning. Ales distracted me from the pulsing pain on my chest and tossed the napkin into the bin. He bent over, picking up my discarded shirt, jacket, and purse. I took the stained top and put it on, leaving the first three buttons open. "Thank you."

"If you'll allow me to buy you a coffee?" he offered as we exited the bathroom. He handed me back my belongings, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his topcoat.

I hesitated but nodded. "Only sugar, please."

"Find a place to sit," he said before taking a place in the line. I took a seat at a two-seater table and watched him, analyzing his movements. Flirtatious and looked to be a few years older than me, and his empty fingers lead me to think he was possibly single. He pulled the phone out of his pocket, typed something and slid the device back inside. I faintly heard it vibrate, making Ales scowl and pick up the call. He spoke in hushed tones but was clearly agitated by whoever was on the other line. His eyes made his way towards me, his frown disappearing and being replaced with an easy smile. He said one last thing into his phone before he was at the front of the line and ordering coffee.

Minutes later, he was approaching the table with two cups and a paper bag in his hand. He passed me my coffee and the bag.

"What's this?" I asked, opening it.

"I hope you like danishes," was all he said. At the bottom of the bag was indeed a maple pecan danish. My favourite pastry from this cafe.

"How did you know this was my favourite?" I demanded, pulling it out and placing it on a napkin. Ales shrugged innocently, sipping on his coffee. "Are you stalking me?" I joked, lowering my voice. 

He coughed, choking on the drink, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "It's my favourite too, that's why," he admitted, putting his hands up in surrender. 

I chuckled, taking a bite. "Well if you love it too, let's split it," I suggested, breaking part of it off. Ales shook his head.

"I bought it for you, it's yours," he assured.

"Don't be silly, here!" I giggled, holding it in my hand. I raised to his mouth and he complied and opened it after a moment, flashing me his pearly whites. I placed it between his teeth and he ate it.


"Ecstatic." I took a few more sips of the beverage, trying to drink as much of it before it got cold. "So Ales, what do you do for work?"

He wrapped his hand around the paper cup. "I'm a businessman." Pause. "And you?"

"Private investigator," I answered, a little proudly. It was my first real job after university and the first time I had been able to actually call myself one. 

Ales nodded, impressed. "Who do you investigate? Husbands who cheat on their wives?" I laughed, shaking my head. My phone chimed with a text from Aerion. He asked how I was feeling after last night and a flurry of emojis I was not looking forward to deciphering. Ales clearing his throat made me look up.

"Oh- no, not cheating scandals. Police work mostly," I replied, keeping it vague. I didn't know Ales well enough to tell him the case I was on. Plus, Aerion told me it wasn't to be talked about out of work.

"That's epic," he beamed. He looked down at his expensive-looking wristwatch before sighing. "I have to run, Rose, but I'd love to take you out for dinner soon."

"Oh, I- uh," I stammered, at a loss for words. I hadn't been on a date in ages. "That sounds good." He slid his phone in front of me, a new contact window open. I typed in my name and number, excited that I had been asked out.

"I'll call you," he stated, gathering his things and coming around the table. He kissed my cheek softly before leaving. I was still, my mind taking a whole minute to process what had just happened. Somehow, spilling coffee on myself led to meeting a seemingly perfect guy and scoring a date? I grinned to myself, a rush of excitement firing through my veins.

And the whole day, it was Ales who swirled through my mind.

A/N: Rose and Ales finally meet! 

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