the fight

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"It's not going to be easy", I alwaysed told me self. I've known that sence my parents got divorced when I was little. I never thought I would have made it so far. To be honest I mean... I didn't think I'd be alive this long. When u go meds to meds a diffrent hearopist every other week u don't see what ur chances are. I've learned getting better is a choice. I thought that was the most retarded thing I'd ever heard when I had problems. I still do sometimes but that beside the point. I would say "how is getting better a choice?" ,"do you even understand what this feels like: , and the famous "you don't understand". I just didn't understand how people thought getting better was a choice but I realized that choseing to change is just like choseing to get help. It's all up to the person who's haveing problems. Your always gona have to fight. If you want to get "better" fighting is not a choice, it's a must.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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