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*Aliyah is 16 Kevin is 18*
"h-hey Aliyah can I talk to you?" Kevin asks nervously
"yeah what about?" I ask
we were currently in a park nearby school.
"um I've been holding back some feelings for you. I've always made it seem like I love you as like a sister but now I feel like I should just confess to you. you have always stuck by my side and picked me up after I've fallen down. I feel like you make me a better person and you make the atmosphere a lot more cheerful. so Aliyah Smith would you like to be my girlfriend?" Kevin asked
I smiled widely which caused him to smile widely. I tackled him into a hug and he lifted me off of the ground.
"Kevin Yarnell I would love to be your girlfriend." I say into his shoulder
we stayed hugging for another minute then he let me down.
"well wanna come over and play videogames?" he asked getting all cheerful
"yeah." I say laughing at his energy
we walked back in a peaceful silent walk and as soon as we open the door there was a bunch of decorations and horn blowing (that's sounds fucked up).
"yay you did it!" Kevin's mom cheered
"happy for you two!" my dad cheered
"woah woah what's going on?" I ask completely confused
"well I told them that I was going to ask you out. this part was just random." he says chuckling a bit
we all danced around and then we ended up playing games. as the client was loading I wrote in the same diary:
March 15th 2012:
Kevin asked me to be his girlfriend today! I obviously said yes! I've never felt so complete and happy in my life! he seems so perfect to me. I love his personality and everything about him basically. he's the full package. alright enough ranting about how perfect he is. bye!

the day we separated (Hauntzer)Where stories live. Discover now