Chapter 1

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I struggle to open my eyes up. My head is killing me. My brain feeling like it's banging against my skull. When I finally open my eyes I don't know where I am. I try to move my arm, but it is bounded down to a cold metal table. I struggle but no avail.

Then movement draws my attention away from my arm. I look across the room. Someone is walking into the room. He doesn't even glance my way as he moves into the next room and out of my sight.

But it doesn't bother me because what I saw on the other side of the room captures my attention. Piles of dead bodies in the corner. Some placed on tables closer to me. Their arms dangling lifelessly under the restraints. But what really grabbed my attention? That they were all like me.... They had the tattoo mark of our tribe on their arms.

My eyes widen as I spot a dark circle on their hand. It was the symbol that their life has come to an end. And everyone on the tables had one.

What happened?

Where even was I?

Then I see movement once more dragging me away from my thoughts. The man had come back through once again. But this time, he wasn't alone. He was wheeling a lifeless body through. That same dot on his hand.

As they came near; I recognized that body. That 'body' was the love of my life. My Hunter. Tears start coming to my eyes.

'No, no, this couldn't be happening.' I keep telling myself. I start to scream in heartbreak as they wielded him right pass me. I felt the tears just stream down my face. 'What the hell is happening?' I think. 'Where am I? What happened to Hunter? Why is everyone dead?' My thoughts keep rattling in my brain as I tried to come up with an explanation.

Just then I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt cold metal be pressed against my left temple. My screaming turned to shuttering sobs as I started to fear for my life. Then I hear the click of the trigger being pulled tighter. I closed my eyes knowing what was going to come next.

But the pain never comes. Instead, I feel my shoulder being shaken. So I open my eyes once more. But the room has vanished. Replaced by the concerned expression of my love looking down at me.

"Hayden?" He asked as he still shakes my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Wait am I dreaming? Or am I dead? I pick up a shaking hand and touch my face softly. It's wet from tears. I furrow my brow in confusion.

"Hayden?!" Hunter yells trying to snap me out of my thought.

That is when I take it all in. I'm not dead. I'm not dreaming. I'm awake. This is what is real.

I sit up and look at Hunter. I can tell he is starting to get annoyed that I'm not answering. I just reach my arms around his neck and pull him close to me. I kiss him hard. More tears stream down my face.

Yes, this is real.

He matches the hardness of the kiss, but just for a second. He pulls back, but he is reluctant. I can tell.

"Why are you acting strange?" He asked me looking confused.

"Me?" I ask putting a small smile on my face. My voice strained from crying. "Act strange? Never." I climbed out of bed. Leaving Hunter sit there in shock. I walk out of the room and whip the tears off of my damp checks.

"What the hell?" I hear Hunter say just as I leave the room. I know he is confused, that he wants answers... Well, I'm not sure I could answer his questions. I'm not really sure what happened after all.

He follows me out of the room after a while. "So what were you dreaming about that had you crying in the middle of your sleep?" He asked leaning against the bathroom door as I start brushing my long brown hair. I don't answer him. I just act like I'm concentrating on my hair. I hear him sigh softly.

"You know if you tell me it was nothing I would understand." He said trying to get me to take the bait. I walk past him.

"Fine then it was nothing," I yell at him as I make my way to the kitchen.

"I don't believe you." He yelled back to me.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself. He is soon to meet me in the kitchen. He stands there with his hands on his hips staring at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"I just don't know about you..." He said with a long dramatic sigh.

"I told you it was nothing, and if I recall you said you would believe me." I said walking over to him and mimicking his position. At that, he laughs and walks over to me. He throws his arms around me, pulling me close to him. He laughs deeply.

"Fine, you win." He said softly. "After all, it was just a bad dream right?"

"Right," I said looking up at him with a smile. But I'm not hundred percent sure... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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