Monday's for Michaela

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It was about 11:00 at night, and the venue had just started to heat up. The ACCEL Club, one of the hottest nightclub spots in the whole city, usually isn't as exciting and arousing until after 12:00 a.m. That is when the more experienced DJs will start to come out and hype up the crowd with some wickedly sick beats and remixes; music so enticing and grand, the crowds starts to jump about, get loaded on rounds of drinks, and the party really kicks off. But tonight, ACCEL had introduced a new, visiting DJ from a smaller venue across town. A 16-year-old kid from across the way, who not many regular attendees of ACCEL had heard of. For a while, everyone had thought that letting a kid up onto the stage was a joke. But my gosh, did she have them fooled. Never had they ever witnessed music as hypnotic and moving as what this kid was dishing out. They had seen and heard great DJs before, and surely much greater ones, as well. But this kid... a girl, even! She was letting loose some seriously mad melodies into the air; and the crowd was going CRAZY OVER HER.

Everyone was up and jumping. The main lights were shut down and a laser light show began in their place. Shirts were coming off, people were hooking up on the floor, drinks were being served at a rapid pace. The V.I.P Lounge in the back was starting to fill up with a bunch of 'in the mood' couples and strangers, ready to boo-love it up to the kid's sound. It was a true club scene: partying, drinking, love & lust, and-- most importantly, music.

The young girl on the stage loved what she was seeing, and what she was feeling. Here she was, actively contributing to the enjoyment and happiness of a whole group of strangers. There was nothing but good vibes flowing around in the air, she could not help but feel absolute peace and joy within herself. This is why she wanted to become a DJ. This is what she had chose to put the rest of her life on the line for. Outside of this type of atmosphere, her life was not nearly as fulfilling. Sure, she her basic necessities-- a family and some good friends to keep her going strong. But she never felt the type of rush and excitement and love during her regular lifestyle. But when it came to her DJ lifestyle, every night was a brand new adventure. A bunch of new stories coming together to form one giant, epic tale.

A small yet buff and good-looking man hopped up onto the stage, smiling at the kid, and then looking out to the crowd. He held up a microphone to mouth and proceeded with the following words:


Loud screams and chants and claps erupted from the crowd. ACCEL had to have been loudest venue on the strip at that moment. It was amazing.

The young kid's name was Michaela-Joan; also known as the super young and talented DJ, Microphone.

Tomorrow, she was going to have a whole day's worth of quizzes and practice work and nonsensical drama to deal with. But tonight, right now-- she had no worries and she had no cares for what the next day was going to bring.

It was all about tonight. It was all about the good feeling lingering in the air. It was about now. And nothing could break her concentration from any of it.


"I bet she did really good at her show last night. I hope the people loved her!"

"I hope they did, too. But I still wish would've stayed home with us. Anyways, we're here to wake her up, remember? On three. One... two... three!"

A tired Michaela's eyes widen and she let out a small shriek as she felt her body tip over the side of her loft bed and fall right to the bedroom room-- spared of any injuries only by a bundle of throw pillows that broke her fall. "What in the mother-freaking world?!" She called out, exhaustion and raspiness consuming her voice. She blinked a couple of times to adjust to the morning light, and then looked up at her bed with squinted eyes, only to find the gentle facial expressions of two little girls looking back at her. She sighed heavily.

Monday's for Michaela: A Microphone One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now